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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. Because it's easier.
  2. Final score 18-16?
  3. Good start.
  4. Yeah...me too. Though I probably shouldn't have. Simple guilty pleasure.
  5. I'm sorry...didn't mean to rub salt. Mayo have a much butter day.
  6. Yup. A lot of your posts just don't cut the mustard.
  7. Beerball will melt down very soon... How about the tricky direct snap to a midget?
  8. Ranks right behind the double fake reverse screen pass as one of my all time Bills playbook favorites.
  9. Anyone ever catch this one? One of my T-Zone favorites. One of the one hour shows.
  10. One of the biggest problem scenarios we worked on in regards to responding to a "biological incident" was the "Healthy Fearful". Much of the burden on the health system will come from people who are not symptomatic of anything, but scared that they might be.
  11. I wonder what the statistical analysis shows for punting from the opponents 35?
  12. I have to wonder a little bit if some of this hoopla is to help justify the massive amounts poured into bio-defense over the last couple of years.
  13. Never knew that. I need to ketchup on my reading.
  14. Beer explosion at the old Simpson place. Bring pretzels. Repeat - pretzels.
  15. I have to question the logistical train for all these cannoncocker mad minute toys. Would hate to be the guy that has to keep them fed.
  16. I too, have an Ambien script. I very rarely take any. If one should wake up while still under it's effects, it's possible to have a total memory blackout - akin to the sleepwalking. You can engage in an activity and later have no recollection whatsoever of anything you did or said.
  17. So Timmy, how's Lassie been doing?
  18. Just be glad they aren't in the Supertanker business.
  19. I like you.
  20. I would, but most everyone else here has some self induced really big man thing studly thing going.
  21. I've been to the Derby a couple times. Was stationed at Ft. Knox, was just up the road. Maybe there is a lot of money there, but it's also a really poor handicap scenario. Go for the experience. I seriously recommend buying an infield pass, and go for the hell of it. If you really like horse racing - the Kentucky Derby is pretty cool, and really doesn't cost that much, compared to other sports. Wonderful time, many layers of flavors. As far as ambience, America doesn't have too many traditions left, unless they are in Chinese or Spanish.
  22. When that Sopwith gets on their tail, they will be sorry. Just remember - right hand turns, zoom for altitude, then a quick left and back right.. Snoopy may not be as cool as a Family Guy dog, but Snoopy can kill you.
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