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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. I wasn't joking. What happened to your resume? Is part of the problem that no one wants the work, and the Admin is reluctant over that?
  2. Find a job where you don't work with a bunch of women? As the boss is on your side, isn't their role to manage their people? Those situations are always difficult, but the boss needs to get things under control, IMO. The whole operation - including your clients suffers.
  3. Might squeeze in a few more if you lose the pillows and the fuzzy dice.
  4. No kidding. There's no one more surprised than GM themselves. Very nice run. Talk about a dark horse bet.
  5. How are you going to get rid of 11 million? That will take what, maybe six or eight cars, at least.
  6. Or a heavilly armored and bullet proofed Kenworth.
  7. I started this out as I came across an article that to me looked like some common sense on an issue for a change, from the mouths of those directly affected. You took it down the road from the vein that you are a better judge of what they should and should not wear than they are.
  8. Probably a safe bet, but everyone can say they "did something". This horse has been out of the barn way too long, and all anyone can see is a tail going over the horizon.
  9. It's called kevlar. And, I suppose now you want them all airconditioned, because riding around in a vehicle in 100 degree heat causes many people to open windows.
  10. Sadly, I think the MRE's are already bullet proof. Ever eat one?
  11. I've driven just about everything in the inventory. If you are wearing the body armor, why is it so important to bullet proof the sides of the truck? You ever hear of cost-benefit analysis?
  12. As I alluded to above, it's sort of pointless against the main threat, which is IEDs. All it ultimately does is wear the trucks out faster.
  13. Because it's old ground here. Gone over many times over the last couple years. Also, it's about the Marines, but I'm sure it carries to the Army as well. Many of the original complaints came from National Guard types that never figured in a million years that they would ever see a shot fired in anger. When I was there, early on, I never ran across anyone who didn't have body armor. The folks actually doing the fighting had the more recent stuff. The ones working in supply compounds and headquarters and what not had older, but still effective versions that were being upgraded over time. And, as far as trucks go - I don't care what the !@#$ you hang on the side, it's not going to be effective against a remotely detonated 155 mm HE round buried in a pile of crap on the side of the road. But, whatever makes Scraps feel better. Now, the press says "x" people might not have died had if they had "y" armor. So, now they have it. Maybe someone will come up with statistics as to how many grunts get their heads blown off because they are too heavy and bulky to get through a window without snagging on something.
  14. I think if we did away with all those submarines that put food on your table, we could armor more trucks. Makes about as much sense as anything you've said.
  15. Trains is a phrase used to describe supply columns and their staging areas.
  16. Trains have always been a target in warfare, going back to Roman times.
  17. No, because I've been saying it too. Extra plates available? Fine. But don't make them mandatory. But now it seems to be getting to the point where public opinion has made it to the battlefield, which would be OK if more than 1 out of 10 of the public had a clue as to what they were talking about. I got to thinking about all the debates here when people were complaining that trucks weren't armored like tanks. In 20 years in the army, I can't recall one time where that was an issue to us troops. But, it's 2006.
  18. I take it you've never been on patrol in 100 degree weather?
  19. I don't know. Might not want to mess with someone named "Cecelia Fire Thunder".
  20. Busted in a hotel bar I'm checked into? I'd be royally, royally pissed.
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