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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. A 32 year old woman could fix all those problems quick. Run away from home and move to Tampa.
  2. I think he's DC Tom, but I'm not sure.
  3. Hey. I'm Paul, and I'm also dead. Now this is even more confusing.
  4. Piss on all of you. You're freaked over a fried balony sandwich. I don't need to hear much past that.
  5. Yeah, it's been done, but whatever.
  6. I'm really CableLady. You never caught on? I thought you were smart.
  7. My man, I know you'd love it. We went out one night with a bottle of 20 something year old Cognac along with the dinner wine in the "carry in" and sauteed some goose liver in it, just because. Victor is a good friend, and tied up tight with the Kang family, not only heavy in textiles, but heavy in politics. I'm drifting. But it's fun. We ran into a financing problem once, and a friend of a friend made a phone call, and I had a two million dollar line of credit with the bank of China. Some people know how to do business. But to go any further would put me in PPP or consumer forum. Can we get a third for trading Willlis?
  8. There's always Chunky Clam Chowder, even though it doesn't have much clams and is mostly potato and sheetrock. Maybe we need a "Who has hit their limit" pinned post? Yeah, I know it's off season but damn...
  9. Yes indeed. Like I said before, my friend there is a wonderful host, and good food is not hard to find. This is your lane, but I've eaten at some really good Continental places there, too. I think you could stay there a year, try a new place to eat 3 times a week, and never get bored.
  10. You would love Hong Kong. Suckling pig, in a place who knows how to do it, is a serious treat. Discussing business over dinner in Hong Kong is an interesting experience if you like food. Especially when you're hosts blow off the American part of one's visit. I developed quite a taste for sea lice, too. As for the steaks, whatever. I love a good steak.
  11. No, he's in the basement holding a rifle. Notice how he isn't around for crayonz threads. Hmmm....
  12. What do you think of the Capitol Grill operation? Are you familiar with it? They haven't many stores. They have the dry age behind a window as you walk in, but that hasn't given into gimmick yet, I don't think. Lots of leather, wood, and you at least used to be able to smoke a cigar. Great Scotch and Cognac selection.
  13. No. Well, maybe someone did. I got caught up in the "anyone who cares" thing. I have good looking young women all over my neighborhood. I'm sort of a legal age Aqualung.
  14. Don't. Wouldn't get a fly high.
  15. You just couldn't resist, could you?
  16. And they all have played "broom the coon". I thought we hated Arabs now. Oh, that and Mexicans, wait...this is geting hard.
  17. "CNN reports unidentified white powder." They'd have a field day at my place. No, not that - I'm not a good housekeeper. Biosensor programs are a great subject, because they have all the elements. We could start with detect to warn vs. detect to treat, coupled with federal funding, and it's right up Coli's alley. SDS's too, as a matter of fact. Could be fun. Could spend some good time on NSPD 33 alone. We can even throw in the military setting up totally inefficient in a domestic environment BIDS systems. How about the DFU samplers that were purchased for several American cities, but not buying the 8 primary agent field assay kits to do a spot analysis because certain Congresscritters demanded that all initial analysis go to an EPA approved lab? Initial field screens? New thread? Or should it be ignored because it wasn't on the news today? Several billions of dollars aside, of course. Cost of designed failure. Did you know that the "positivity percentage" for the nerve agent test in the M256 kit was actually decreased by switching from horse cholinesterase enzymes to eel cholinesterase enzymes, but gave a better read on whether an anti-cholinesterase was present? The other side of 90% is that nasty little 10%. 9/11 taught the cost of failure, it's already been forgotten. Depends on how one looks at it, I guess. But, I know I can always count on you to catch all that. People don't get how smart you really are, Tom.
  18. I would, but we never left the lobby because he can't reach the buttons.
  19. I've decapitated a few people in my day. Give head? Want one?
  20. Well, you went to Vasser... Which, BTW is really cool. I'd still be having some very strange flashbacks.
  21. I thought I was Ed?
  22. Oh man... For a second I thought you misposted Al Pacino. I'm going to go click LA's sig line for a while.
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