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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. My thoughts too. I had an Energizer Bunny flash. Says something for the shape he kept himself in too, plus, has he ever taken a really hard hit? Anyone remember George Blanda?
  2. So I've heard. My friend in Chico says it's been raining a lot.
  3. RIP, Hal Remember the coyote threads? Hal, we hardly knew ya.
  4. Sue's term paper?
  5. Johnny Coli. Though, I'm not sure that he's that little. HB, Buddy.
  6. I had an art teacher that fit the bill. Anyone here go to the Alden School District in the early 70's?
  7. AHA! You can't be Tom. Tom has the cats read it first and then point out the good articles to him.
  8. I bet they all have lovely singing voices.
  9. I was in M551 Sheridans. If something made it inside, trust me - it wouldn't matter.
  10. Do all the mini-rocks know what a wild man Daddy was?
  11. Boom got into the mescalito again.
  12. Can't. Dan doesn't have a clue.
  13. Are we going to leave a mess?
  14. Ask Bill Maher. Back in the old days, she was the only Congressperson he could get to come on on a regular basis. I've said before, I call Georgia home. Her district is total pull the blue handle. Not even trying. Look at her voting record, she never has, doesn't need to. She's never looked at an issue in her career. Everyone freaked over Texas redistricting, but when GA redistricted, she didn't have a district and still stayed in Congress, until things leveled out. And she's still there. worked the state to give her another Congress district. There's a word for her, and it fits.
  15. Thanks. I'm pretty well running # 8 scatter shot.
  16. It's also called "Read". At least the first page, at least. Before one runs their mouth. That said, you also know I'm an ass, don't really care, and make my comments because I'm very cynical.
  17. A lot of email traffic passed around on that. A very nice retirement announcement letter out of him, glad to know he will stay involved.
  18. LOL, there ya go. For anyone who isn't aware, since so many here are new, both Cable and Mill are very good people. Don't mess with them, or you mess with me. And, you don't mess with me. I don't get into fights.
  19. I know we're talking Buffet, but what the hell. Show me how to sing in a 70's Coca Cola commercial.
  20. Wanna get drunk and screw?
  21. The reason these idiotic polls stay alive is because idiotic people actually respond to them with the exact same idiotic thing they put into the last identical idiotic poll. Did something change because it was said again for the 957th time?
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