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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. Pretty much. I have little doubt Cable wouldn't be a great ride.
  2. I'd nail you in a second. Your eyes would cross.
  3. No. He was shidding yellow 15 years ago.
  4. I really like you a lot, Bluefire... I really do.
  5. Where did I say you were partisan, evil B word snake woman? That said, I agree honesty plays little part. Doesn't have much to do with my life, but I feel sorry for people with young kids. Every generation says that, but in my view we have gotten inundated with a bunch of consumer technology designed not to help us think, but to absolve us from thinking. Then, toss on about 25 instant news networks where we used to have three. Bad combo. Also, did I remember to call you an evil B word snake woman?
  6. You never answer your email anymore. (Crap, Myspace Boy...he ain't that much younger than you...)
  7. There's a lot of kind people here, aren't there? You should know since you is one.
  8. Bottom line, the only facts that make a difference is the record at the end of the season.
  9. You can step in anytime you're ready Sugar, if you feel up to it.
  10. Eh...we were both wrong. Hedy Lamarr Didn't Google enough for a full shot, but she had a hell of a body.
  11. A lot of people do. They just usually get ignored here. Can't say something that makes sense. It's not controversial enough.
  12. I still think Ingrid Bergman was one of the most beautiful women ever to be on the screen, but she never rappelled down a rope in a cave wearing a skin tight neoprene suit with a couple of Glock .40's...so that can never be as cool. Guess I just don't get the "attractive" part of modern women. I've always liked women. I can see a manequin at Sears.
  13. Your grandfather? Thanks a lot. Anyway, anyone remember Verna Lisi?
  14. I was doing another insomnia moment the other day, watched "Jet Pilot" with John Wayne and Janet Leigh. Damn...Janet Leigh was pretty hot. Hollywood used to feature "women". What happened?
  15. I know where this is going...but in my world, 32 isn't middle aged.
  16. Can we maybe caveat that with having a few 18 year old girls around?
  17. Then quit acting like it.
  18. Bullshidt. Total. Mellissa, I hate life too. But it's my choice to be a victim. Mostly because I've gotten lazy. I just don't care, anymore. It's your choice too, if you actually care about it, quit telling us about how your life sucks and do something about it. If not, quit talking about it. It bores people. People I know are bored by how much my life sucks. I really don't give a rats ass about any of it. But, you do. If it's really important to you, find some real people to hang with and kiss this off. I'll be evil enough to say "Big Deal" that you've turned 48. So what? You have chosen to be a victim and nothing is going to change that. Nothing you haven't heard before. You know that's true. When was the last time you didn't shut someone off for saying that? But, you've probably alienated what friends you have and that's why you're here, on a football board, to get stroked with a lot of "Happy Birthday, we love you!". No, I don't love you. I don't know you. You're "Happy, Happy Birthday" is up to you. I think they are well over rated.
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