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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. I live here. The toilet bowl of Alexandria has a blue handle, and that's that.
  2. Are we discussing policy related or operations? Without trying to sound cliche-ish, the military has done all they can be expected to do, and much more. When it comes to that part of the equation, no one on this planet can hold a candle to us. Yes, the media is completely biased and thrives on showing failure. No, not all nor do the majority of Iraqis "hate us". I just think this is a more complicated issue from the big picture perspective than laughing children and water treatment plants. And, it's more important now than ever that this transition be based on a solid foundation.
  3. I don't want his mother to see him this way.
  4. I agree with that, and a lot of things are situational dependant. Where you are at in the country can even make a difference, as customs are different in different places. I bring that up, because local culture can come into play, and this kind of question might be better asked of local friends or by calling the funeral director. Nothing worse than offending someone without meaning to, when one is trying to be supportive and respectful.
  5. Whatever you do, don't mention soup.
  6. At this point in time, if we are I don't see it. At the risk of being called "revisionist", I would have held a different opinion 18 months ago. But unlike some people I try to reevaluate things based on their own merit as things develop. I still personally agree with the idea of removing Sadaam. It fits into a greater pattern and scheme of adjustments we need (or would like) to have happen in the Middle East. Whether the timing was right is open for debate, but he needed to go. That's about the point where anything that could possibly be called intelligent ended. Things have pretty well gone down hill since then. There's a small handful of people that should be held seriously accountable for whatever post invasion fiascos have taken place. My former boss, Jay Garner was originally the guy sent in to help reorganize the place. He didn't last long before he said "Fugg this", and came home. I personally gave up on anything good happening in an organized manner when the "gang" dictated that the entire Baath operation be abandoned and dismantled wholesale. IMO, whoever is responsible for that call is/was an idiot. The entire situation and it's aftermath was completely misread by those who pushed it, and who I would have hoped had known better. So now, what probably could have been actually accomplished with some real homework, a plan based on conditions there and not wishful thinking here, and effective execution has turned into a dog chasing it's car bomb laden tail. Problem is, we are now committed and walking away from it will result in a further hostile and fragmented middle east than there was when we started. I won't go into the list of mistakes, there are enough- but many have been realized and steps are being taken to mitigate them. A somewhat stable Iraq is still possible, we just really made it a lot harder on ourselves. To top it off, we did Iran's heavy lifting for them. Now, instead of having a viable American surrogate (rather than a nut case Hitler wanna be) positioned on their border, they face no credible military threat from their western border and are, as I write both actively undermining our efforts in Iraq and ratcheting up their "I'm the big dog now" rhetoric. All that said, as mentioned we can't just up and walk away either. We shouldn't be in the shape we are in, didn't have to be, but now that the stakes are so high, we have to be. So in a reverse logic kind of way, yeah...it's worth what is getting spent. Could have been done a lot less expensively, though.
  7. Because people here eat their own young?
  8. You want to tell me again why we were even in the Serbian situation?
  9. Welcome to the world of Al Quaida. They were the ones who taught the somalis how to down helicopters with rpgs.
  10. That's also not "exactly" what occurred. I fully understand what he's saying, and in the context of the conversation. But as far as actual "plans" go, 1003V didn't address those issues to any degree nor was it intended to. The part about "troop strengths" is another matter. The 1003V TPFFD was a running macabre joke for quite a while. But all the "post war plan" comments are a little misleading - and again, I don't think they were meant to be. I just get the impression that some people might think there already was a comprehensive plan for "rebuilding" Iraq in place, and it was scrapped. There wasn't. He comes from that world, and anyone familiar with that world catches what he's saying, but it could be misconstrued.
  11. Wasn't picking on you, I was referring to life here in general.
  12. I also have a lot of respect for Zinni. I'm just looking at timing. Might not have much to do with anything besides his new book. But, Clark is out there, Zinni is out there and even old Colin has been rumbling a bit. I don't buy that something isn't in the wind. I had envisioned something more like SECDEF, rather than President, though.
  13. I was thinking more along the lines of who was where when. Politics can make for strange bedfellows.
  14. Wesley has been rumbling as well. Notice how the military "we are tough on national security gang" from the late 90's is pulling the wagons together? Smart moves on the Dem's part. Show's somebody is thinking.
  15. I'm actually stunned it took this long for someone to drag in Zinny.
  16. They need a tactic? Have you read much here lately?
  17. I saw him doing that with my spy drone too. He really eats that stuff. Really.
  18. They have no Clumpy. Poor bastards.
  19. Anyone getting the feeling that almost nobody really wants a high draft pick this year?
  20. I don't buy into this one. A respectful presence is what matters. Viewing hours usually give plenty of time to go home and change into something a little more appropriate.
  21. None. Trying to use available technology to help protect a population is unconstitutional and a complete violation of civil liberties. If I want to cap winos in a sidestreet alley, it should be my unalienable right to do so unobserved.
  22. One that isn't too taken with him?
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