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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. Hotlanta? Looks more like the Dolphin's Booster Club.
  2. Darin has some friends over for beers...
  3. Incomming rocket fire during the breakfast buffet. I absolutely hate that.
  4. If you can swing a week, you might be able to get a house on Tybee, stay on the beach and take the busses back and forth. Another idea to save on hotel would be to stay on the south side of town and bus back and forth. Savannah sets up a lot of bus runs, because they know everyone is drunk. Check the Savannah paper (www.savannahnow.com) for St. Pats rentals and holiday rentals. Can probably Google there, too. Southside is also well within cab range, but hard to get during the prty cycle. Could also cough up the money, and do a combo. Stay primarily on the beach, but rent rooms Fri and/or Sat night in town. Flying in is take what you can get. Savannah-Hilton Head is off the beaten airline path. Also depends on where you are flying from. I've flown down there cheap from DC before as there was a Delta Connection that catered to golfers and had a non-stop from Reagan to SAV. Only other option is fly into Jax and drive up, which I would argue against since you probably don't want the 2 hour drive back with a hangover. A good place to eat isn't hard to find. Pretty well pick one. Depends what you like. Savannah is big on seafood and southern cooking. For a flavor of the town, have a meal (buffet style) at Lady and Sons up in Market Square. Paula Deen (from the cooking channel) owns and runs the place. If it's still open, Mrs. Wilkes Boarding House. More than one Irish place. Food time is competitive with 100,000 hungry drunks running around. Plenty of places down on the River and on Market Square along with many, many street vendors. Once you pick a place to stay, it's a lot easier to narrow down. Best places to party? From probably Thursday through Sunday night just about anything in the city limits. Open containers are legal, and there are plenty beer vendors on the streets. Wet Willies on the north end of River Street is well known for their frozen drinks made with pure grain. Spanky's is a very well known local watering hole on the River too. Most people just drift place to place. Once you see what's going on, you'll get the drift. Down around the Hyatt they will have a bandstand and probably a pretty hefty music agenda. Many of the bars will have live bands, too. Don't discount the parade. Everyone is already pretty toasted by the time the parade starts (second largest in the US) and it's kind of an eccentric interactive experience. Don't wander too far off from the main party area, such as down towards the ports or much inside Broad Street. As with any other town, there ARE critters. Expect to meet some pretty, friendly and partying Southern Belles-but don't act an ass. Savannah is old genteel south, and is big on manners. But, hooking up with a pack of them flashing for beads can be fun (yes, they travel in packs).
  5. The cartoon won because of it's "overall" The other shows won on specific coverage. Two different things.
  6. I'll think on it and get back. I'd forget the Condo for a short stay.
  7. Brick, I've been meaning to talk to you about that. You should find yourself a safehouse or a relative close by. Lay low for a while, because you're probably wanted for murder.
  8. What an idiot. Found it in the woods? WTF do they use to hunt with there? What are they hunting for, T-Rex?
  9. Or a bull dyke.
  10. Is it just me or does Brenda Frank look like maybe a Brandon Frank?
  11. Yeah, the day before my 50th birthday. I'm going to be a grumpy son of a B word. Watch out.
  12. It wouldn't catch it if he didn't have a history. Also, looking at his position he probably holds a fairly low level clearance. Those are pretty well done off computer records checks.
  13. A friend of mine lives in one of those neighborhoods just outside Paris, haven't heard from her in a few days. Can't figure out if she's marching or ducking.
  14. Cool! Where can I get some?
  15. Happy Birthday, Ken. I got you some Kimchi.
  16. Can do, but it doesn't matter. No one here gets the fact that you have studied, written on and researched a hell of a lot more on North Korea than most people would ever care about. BTW, Ken is very anal retentive.
  17. Well, everyone kept their mouth shut. Anyone want to really discuss foreign relations policy?
  18. A lot of things don't make the news. Most things don't make the news. Basically, anything that would help anyone figure stuff out never makes the news. I can't believe you work in the heart of DC and haven't figured this stuff out. Is IT that insulated from reality?
  19. Yeah, Bill. That's what it's all about. Please at least try to think a little deeper? I hate the press probably more than you do. They are a huge part of the problem HERE but not as much as there. I'll also contradict myself by happily stating that their press is a major problem, mostly because we taught them how. They didn't even get the Viet Nam thingy press wise, until American media reinforced it. It's still a big problem. Information is no longer just TV to fill time between Southpark, American Idol and Family Guy, it is a weapon. I recall the outrage here when it came up that we would actually "stoop so low" as to try to interject our own ideas into the middle east media. Al Jazeera has a lot more balanced view than a lot of folks here do. Both sides. No they don't, but they know how to play it. How you play it is what is important.
  20. What truly frightens me sometimes is that I usually get what you are saying.
  21. Something that bugs me just a tad, is that the call was made to go with the CIA presented plan. There were good reasons for this, but still... It wasn't the military's idea in the first place to rely on the Northern Alliance to work as a surrogate. It was the CIA's. Then, when stuff wasn't exactly going according to plan, somehow Franks and CENTCOM end up getting the blame line? Like I said earlier, personal perspectives looking at things in hindsight. Just remember, it is hindsight and personal perspective from the standpoint of people writing books. All these authors (I pre-caveat with the statement that I have nothing against any of them, their credibility or their ability) now have the benefit of being able to see their part of things through a larger window. I don't know that anyone (Bernsten, Franks, even Clarke) is trying to purposely mislead anyone. Well, maybe Clarke...but since these things are all various shades of gray maybe everyone discussing is partially "right" and partially "wrong". There are also "corporate mindsets" in the military as there are with anyone else. And I don't mean military overall. There are definite "personalities" involved in CENTCOM that are different than PACOM that are different than EUCOM that are different than STRATCOM. In effect, the personalities of these commands are shaped by the four star in the head office. It's also not like WW2 days where Patton led his troops. None of the combat commands, save JFCOM "own" any forces. Forces are apportioned as required to support mission. The actual COCOMs are relatively small. Basically a planning staff (simplified term, but whatever). Some are easier to work with than others, and none of them appreciate anyone treading on their turf. I've personal experience working with (and sometimes against) the combat commands at the major operational planning level, especially the 4 GOCOMs. Another factor involved, and very relevant, is that those 4 stars get to become COCOM Commanders in part because they are in line with a particular administrations ideas and oftentimes long term relationships. This extends to the Joint Chiefs as well. They are all, also supremely qualified, dedicated, often brilliant and absolutely incredible people. I personally am awed by many of them. They could pull down multi-million dollar salaries in many a corporation, but they have chosen to dedicate their lives to their country. But, politics is politics and that's how things are. OK, I've rambled excessively, again...but there's just so much to these things that so many don't get to see and experience. And it all contributes. If I just made any sense to anyone, think of it as some background as you read the articles and books. BTW, I commend and appreciate everyone here that actually reads the books. Part of why I like our exchanges. Most people with opinions don't bother.
  22. I have no use for Delay, either...but like him or not, he's at least smart. Moran, and God help us McKinney are morons. Just my luck I have "association" to both of them. By circumstance, not choice.
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