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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. The basis of your argument is that the President is the top dog, and responsible for everything under his watch. This is global terms has merit, but in reality is a stupid argument. Do we blame Lincoln alone for the start of the civil war? Do we blame FDR exclusively for Pearl Harbor? More to the point, do you? I aquaint level of blame with level of involvement.
  2. Doesn't translate well to Hip Hop.
  3. Lifted from my response in another thread. It is the responsibility of a military planner to examine the possible courses of action, dispassionately and provide viable possible solutions. This includes what will be understood as "throw aways", but they need to be discussed anyway to bring the more viable solutions into perspective. Now Hersh has got the rest of the media all cranked up. I've said it (and so have others) a hundred times here. One can take a piece of an issue, and morph it into their own issue. News people do this constantly, because news is not news any more. There's stuff in the parent article that is total BS, but what's the use of trying to discuss any of it? It's on TV and in print now, ergo, it's credible and informative.
  4. It's a program to anti-deify Zarqawi within Iraq, which BTW has been somewhat successful. This is a good thing. WTF do you think psyops are for? A bleed over to the American Media is bound to happen. You can't say "Zarqaqwi Bad" in Iraq, and say "Zarquawi not so bad" on CNN or FOX, because they watch our news more than their own. "Drumming up support for the war" is a conjecture. I also have reasons to believe that that part comes from the "cons" side of the briefing charts. When discussing possible courses of action, pros and cons are layed out so that decision makers can weigh them in balance. This sort of bleeds into the "Admin is insane" thread. Possible military course of action for problems generally range on a scale, from "Do Nothing" through some "extreme measures". They are listed with pros and cons and in the higher order, a careful examination of the "consequences of execution" are done. Very often the most effective military solution is scrapped because of the over riding factors of COE.
  5. Perhaps if the senators made a full court press to help western New York back into economic viability, it could have a similar result. Granted, I don't live there anymore-but it's a little disconcerting to see so many people get cranked up on this issue but ignore so many others. Is Buffalo dying through residential apathy?
  6. I did too. Wasn't too bad after I got past the "used part", either. Not that I'm trying to say anything here, Mark...
  7. I fail to see any problem here. That is also not the "gist" of the article.
  8. Not without going to jail, anyway. Though, one could always Google "JOPES" and read up under crisis action planning. I believe there are a few sites that offer the users guide to the JOPES. Quite a few media people who stir up the rest of the media haven't got a friggen clue whatsoever as to how stuff works. Their job is to stir stuff up, regardless. People like TPS buy into it. So do the other media outlets. Disgusting, really.
  9. Unhappiness has become institutionalized. It's become our way. TPS would probably go into apoplexy if he ever saw the whole library.
  10. There's always an Arquillian Battle Cruiser, or a Korillian Death Ray, or an intergalactic plague that is about to wipe out all life on this miserable little planet, and the only way these people can get on with their happy lives is that they Do... Not... Know about it!
  11. This is rigged. If by chance you luck up, he has a caveat in the contract requiring you to buy excersise machines, lawn furniture and a really cool blender that shaves ice.
  12. I'm a grabbin' that pen again.
  13. I'm pretty sure there are warrants for me in New York. I also don't blow stuff up anymore, I advise others on how to blow stuff up. But, a chance with Cable...
  14. I'm a grabbin' that pen....
  15. I farted. Sorry. I just had a lot of gas today. Sorry. I farted a lot. Sorry.
  16. It blowed up real good.
  17. Fertilizer. Makes things grow taller. You wouldn't understand, you've never been a Marine.
  18. She hasn't killed anyone she has been indicted for recently, but neither have the lost little teenage girls. Ever notice they looked better in the 80's? How come baby fat lasts until one is 28 now?
  19. I didn't know he was a guy until then.
  20. You people would be a real riot at a cattle auction.
  21. There's some Saudi ownership in there, so just wait.
  22. No way I'd ever take Mock's money. He knows I have an in pocket psychic.
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