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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. Have you called Belks? There's one in F-Berg.
  2. Why would they want to turn around? Food in front, poop in back...or do they like to check their work before they flush?
  3. Just remember, if there's a nail stuck in it - don't pull it out first.
  4. Back in my soil remediation days, I got a call about moving a portable thermal plant to some chicken ranch in North Carolina to incinerate something like 500,000 diseased chickens. We didn't take the job, but I've wondered how strange that might have been.
  5. Another that comes to mind (though I wouldn't call it a favorite) is "Indecent Proposal". I just found that to be a very disturbing movie. Sort of wanted to take a shower after watching it.
  6. Oh great...thanks everyone...now I get bitten by a dog... Again.
  7. If you quit wearing your Moose lodge hat during your walks in the woods, you might have fewer issues.
  8. I'm picturing the seagulls in "Finding Nemo" (Mine?)
  9. Most of the ones I'd pick have been covered. I might add "Fail Safe".
  10. I think the "Dora the Explorer" break is really going to hurt the Sens. They needed to get right back on the ice the next day, instead of having the weekend to stew. Emery is likely to overplay tonight. That said, I hope the Sabres looked up the word "Defense" over the weekend.
  11. Sometimes there's just an insurmountable homefield advantage.
  12. FWIW, there are numerous examples throughout history of a smaller, less well equipped force besting a superior opponent on the battlefield through better training, leadership and tactics. Generally, it's more rule rather than exception.
  13. From the dreaded "Newsspin" POV, perhaps. From the practical side, one could make a strong argument for the appointment. Depends on whether it's more important to people that their perceptions and indignant opinions be satisfied vs. just getting the work done.
  14. I've never been on a construction site where I didn't have a clean rag stuffed in a back pocket. Before the day is out, you will have needed one for something.
  15. Got a lot of gravity there, too.
  16. That's right. He'd never feel a thing...
  17. Hmmm...meanwhile, back in the jungle... Apparantly, a lot more intelligent than you are, nimrod...
  18. It seems like only yesterday that he was a snivling little liberal pansie. Now he wants to turn the entire middle east into a glass covered parking lot. They grow up so fast...
  19. Damn. Jack Bauer can't even do that.
  20. Our own little Ed is 25 today.
  21. Oh look! SOMETHING SHINY! And it smells like...BEER!!!
  22. I doubt it. Cable and I have a "thing". Honestly, talk to her sometime. Harriet has one of the sexiest voices in a while. Sultry little thing.
  23. Oh, come on. Like it's been more than a week since someone kissed your back.
  24. LOL. Deb... Them there younguns... Hey, Bluefire is pretty much on your side. I want your ass, anyway, woman.
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