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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. 7 So much for that.
  2. You haven't flown ANA. Compared to Delta, KA is an upgrade. But compare KA to ANA or even Cathay Pacific and it's no contest.
  3. Yup. Iran is the largest perpetrator of state sponsored terrorism out there. You could also expect Iranian sponsored terror attacks on US interests elsewhere, and on the US mainland.
  4. Tenny attack in 3..2..1.. A lot of people have been saying this all along. Do some of these kids have press agents?
  5. I part ways with you on the highlighted. Prestige, yes, but I believe you can replace deterrence with blackmail. Who are they deterring from? We removed their only real regional adversary. I trust nK with nuclear weapons more than I do the Iranians. I don't believe they'd easily hand any over to terrorists, either- too easy to attribute. But, provoking Israel and holding Europe hostage is not outside the realm of possibility. Iran is both xenophobic and nationalistic. As you well know, they are Persian, not Arab. They have a past history of willingly absorbing punishment in quest of a goal. They have an institutionalized pathological hatred and distrust of the Americans, the British and especially the Israelis. Their foreign policy is guided by a misguided idea of where they fit into the world and what the world thinks about them. The man on the street in Tehran might not be enamored of the government, but attack them and they will pull the wagons into a circle through their nationalism. We aren't going to change any regimes by bombing, and our government knows that - in spite of anything Hersh says. Iran is going into a full court press firing up thousands of centrifuges to enrich. There is one and only one reason for them to do this. Problem is, with Iran there are only so many choices, and all of them are bad. They could be dealt with if there were truly a unified effort between the US and certain European nations, and China. But, Europe will continue to lie around with their head in the sand and figure that if push comes to shove, the US will take care of it. China might become more of an ally than one might think, now that they have firmed up so many new oil deals with Russia.
  6. I could give a shidt less. I really, really, tried- but I can't find it.
  7. Most of us are not only awed by your prowness, we are truly stunned by your abilities.
  8. Pretty basic numerology. Might be another game show. Maybe go full numerology combined with gnostic natal charts and see who can wear makeup and sing on TV? Every other week pull in the cabal. Has possibilities.
  9. And have the LOGO channel on TV.
  10. I'll stick with one. They are gorgeous, at least in my experience. First time I ever met a 6 foot Chinese woman who should have been in a magazine somewhere. Stunning. As for three, funny how when the 747 went down over Long Island, no one paid much attention after that to the CAL 747 in the south China Sea that went down for the same reason. They didn't waste a few millions of dollars because of the network news ratings conspiracies. Sorry, semi-PPP.
  11. Always easier to accuse than deny. Interesting thoughts, though. Personal privacy vs. ownership, for starters.
  12. What have you got against Savannah-Hilton Head? I'm not a golfer, but I both lived there and know a lot of people who get packages to go down there and play. They speak very highly. From March to September-October, Delta Connections has a non-stop into SAV from DCA. Only regular non-stop flight into SAV I'm aware of. Honestly, I wouldn't know either way, but I know there a lot of courses that people come back for. That area has become a cornucopia of good courses, from what I've heard. I have some friends that have retired to Pinehurst, too. Sold the house, bought a golfy condo. Nothing against Pinehurst, but they travel to Savannah-HH twice a year. To Golf.
  13. Let me guess. We don't understand because we have never been LaCrosse players?
  14. Builds resistance.
  15. Cute. I've passed it on. So, tell me about the old broad you were out drinking and smoking with. She single?
  16. Be careful. It's my fault it went away to start with, then everyone got used to it and it's only a matter of time before someone bugs me to fix it.
  17. Word. I really love the feeling of looking down my nose at the little people. Sort of like putting on new underwear just out of the package for the first time.
  18. That's because he is a pompous ass.
  19. This is a bigger and more complicated issue than many are giving credence to. Can't compete with getting Hillary to stomp for the Bills, but it's a mess.
  20. It used to be a minor character. Have to keep the edge.
  21. Straight or gay?
  22. When did they start repopulating Iowa?
  23. LOL...Good one. I just flashed on Homer trying to snare a rabbit when he and Bart were lost in the woods.
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