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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. I do that all the time, and it gets me ignored.
  2. The short answer is yes, definitely. I've commented in other posts, but the Iranian sense of Nationalism will take precedence over any dissatisfaction with the current political set up.
  3. Your not under a hood?
  4. I'm still listening to the victrola, but I was listening with a couple of owls, a bat and a whale the other day who swear there's a difference. Question: Aren't the connections only as good as the connectors? If someone is going to get all hot and bothered about cables, wouldn't one have to modify the jacks they plug into to really realize a performance increase?
  5. That stuff really work like it shows on the television set?
  6. Why does this keep focusing back on Israel? Perhaps we should discuss pulling our support of Israel so we can better placate Iran?
  7. We might have discussed before, but I was surprised at how many folks (especially younger) drink Bud in London.
  8. We grew cattle when I was growing up. I actually remember complaining "Steak again? Why can't we have chicken or something?"
  9. Somewhere, there are a bunch of true football fans ready and willing to defend him.
  10. Brown to prepare LA for the next disaster? Whatever the intent, the PR spin should be fun to watch.
  11. Good thing you're not. Bluefire, head to the store and pick up some Sam Adams or Blue Moon or something. All Icehouse is going to do is leave you with a headache.
  12. But what if I want to whine about whiners?
  13. BTW, did you bring back my dinosaur?
  14. I've stuck with Davis, but would prefer to trade down for additional picks.
  15. I'd say since it's your contest and your dime you can pretty well do whatever you want whenever you want. That includes nothing.
  16. Saw a couple clips and trailers. Hard Candy might be worth a look. "Disturbing" could also mean refreshing. Not too many good psycho-dramas floating about.
  17. Why isn't he playing for Miami? It always surprises me when this stuff comes up. You finally get the brass ring, and you can't control yourself? And, a Lugar? If I had a lugar it would be in a case in a safe. They are serious collector items.
  18. "Big Dancing Bears" I like that one, Rich.
  19. Heading for "man hands"?
  20. Ever fly in Africa? If not, don't. I wouldn't be surprised to see a pig strapped into the next seat.
  21. Which goes to prove that Crayonz is really a series of clones.
  22. All in all says a lot about our airline industry, though. Most large Asian and European carriers are top notch in terms of service and comfort. Riding a domestic carrier is a lot more like being herded into cattle trucks this day and age.
  23. No. I would conclude that through my admitted policies and past performances owning nukes would make me less "safe". Because of their (often illogical) obstinancy, most everyone has been content to pretty well ignore Iran out of frustration. Going nuclear actually makes them a real threat, drawing a lot more negative attention. India and Paksitan have nukes because of India and Pakistan. I'm not aware of any "attack Iran" agendas out of either country. Israel has them (if they do...) because if you ask an Israeli to point out the enemy, he points and describes a circle. But, you are asking me were I President of Iran. I'm a firm believer that Iran does not have nuclear ambitions geared towards deterrence. They have an overvalued sense of self importance in the world, think they should be THE leader of the region and are very likely to adopt very aggressive foreign policies once they have possession. They have already made great strides on delivery systems.
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