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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. I'm lovin' the part that so many care. Are we geeks or nerds? I saw a commercial that said geeks get it done.
  2. Oh. You be one of those rich fellas.
  3. I recommend nuking Iran. Especially since you called you fiance a girl.
  4. I'm ready to get out on the boat and go fishin'. There's a time and place for all.
  5. I thought it was a matter of public record that he never came until that particular time, and that was an accident, until that could get offered into evidence. After all, Bill would never lie, neither would Hillary. And a guy who just happens to be president getting blow jobs from a chubby dumbass in the oval office doesn't bother most here, because blow jobs are cool. I'd discuss judgement out of a President, but it's been done. I think the consessus is that blow jobs are cool.
  6. Did you just say something? I don't hear so well.
  7. "Wide right" pretty well did it. (Disclaimer:) I don't and never have blamed Norwood.
  8. As usual, your reading comprehension sucks. The highlighted line confirms that. Not the first time, but whatever. As for the rest of it...so what? I stick to what I posted elsewhere. Shall we wring hands and cry for the oppressed Iranians? Most of the world is oppressed. I'm well aware of their record. The question is what is best in our national interest. A whole lot of nothing? Talk to an Iranian mommy on the train today?
  9. I asked an honest question. One of the owls is irritated, the bat is pissed too, but the whale doesn't really care. He uses Bose headphones.
  10. "The Hills are Alive..." I don't think Tampa has hills, though.
  11. Nuclear Targetting Analysis and Pro Football Drafts? I just hate it when they do that.
  12. Barney Rubble - what an actor.
  13. Point taken. I'm already arguing with you in another thread.
  14. So, get up on the first ring and make her breakfast.
  15. I don't want to get in a pissing contest with you, but I also communicate regularly with people who live there, and have also talked first hand face to face with people who live there. I haven't spoken to their parents though, I don't think. Maybe that's the deciding factor. My contacts range from people within their "non-existant yes man" government to young college kids with hopes to the future. One can also discuss things where people aren't really aware they are being questioned. Think about that a minute. I also stay in touch with several people within the region with a variety of viewpoints. It's actually pretty interesting to look at an Iranians views on Pakistan next to a Pakistanis views on Iran. You think the Bills are confusing? If I were basing my opinions on a "third party political briefing", I wouldn't be saying the things I am. I thought you might give me more credit than that. Yeah, many people idolize our idea of "freedoms". There are people in this world who absolutely hate us wearing Levis and watching Idol, too. Problem is, in many cases their concepts of our freedoms are very idealistic. Be careful of what you wish for kind of thing. It's surprising to a lot of people that once they have attained a voice they find out it's not as loud as they thought it would be.
  16. Actually, yes. If there is something in it for them. Google Russian-China oil and gas deals. I'd be more concerned with France and Germany's support. Google those two re: trade numbers. Russia, is/has/and always will talk out of both sides of their mouth but in fairness did have a viable solution to the Iranian enrichment program. Iranians blew them off. Also, not my "professional" opinion. Just my opinion. But I have stayed in a Holiday Inn Express on occassion. Also, as a PS and BTW - I'm glad we aren't seeing anyone actually buying off on this "peaceful means" BS. Even here.
  17. And...that's the reality according to Bill? You ever meet a guy who goes by JSP?
  18. I thought we were already doing this.
  19. The correct long term solution is the correct short term solution. And, it's not going apeshit and bombing people. As I said, it's hard. To complicate things is the very difficulty of dealing with Iran, compared to other nations. If our government considers this to be an actual clear and present danger, it needs to make a full court press in engaging others to develop a true carrot and stick approach that both gives Iran incentive to modify behavior and truely enforce penalties when it doesn't. We can not and should not do that unilterally. Sadly, some of the Iraq situation is/was the same problem. We never would have gone to war there had there been actual support and enforcement from the rest of the global community in "containing" Sadaam. The UN is not the venue for this. People with knee jerk reactions regarding Iran are no different than those with knee jerk reactions about anything else. They haven't studied the problem.
  20. If you say so. "Large factions", whatever they are hold little sway within the governance mechanisms of Iran. You are not going to get a "people's revolt" there. Most of the "pre-1979" supporters have emigrated anyway. So, are you advocating the Iraq model here? Install an ex-patriot government? I hope we know better than that now.
  21. No, you're wrong. Strategically speaking, if you want to modify someone's behavior to your benefit, you attack the motivations. The reason people attack the actions is because it's easier. The problem is you effect a short term solution that in the longer term makes things worse. Our problem (and not limited to us) is the ingrained desire for the short term solution.
  22. Slightly alkaline. The bulbs are a B word, though. Prick.
  23. Probably no logic at all, but to me - if you're going to actually pick with the eight, take the TE if available because if it doesn't pan out it will have less impact than going dud on a lineman. Taking a high value lineman will probably reduce the amount that get picked later in the draft. The Bills don't really "need" the TE, but he'd be a serious nice to have. If they pick say, Ngata - do they not pick some real, but lesser talent deeper? Then what if Ngata doesn't work?
  24. Some of them you don't want on the stairs. Ever get caught behind 5 foot wide in pumps?
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