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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. 18 is legal to abuse. But, I'm always happy to engage. Have an opinion, not a poll and tell me your thoughts. We can learn from each other, in many ways. Just keep an open mind.
  2. But...but... There's shiny things!!!
  3. Don't ask moron stupid questions, and I'll have some clam chowder. Cute slow day alias?
  4. Can I buy flowers for me? I like flowers.
  5. Who and more to the point who and what the fugg are you? I don't care about your curiosity. If anyone here chimes in I'll have to question their A-Hole values. Go away, unless you have something to say about something.
  6. "Hedy Lamarr was a beautiful gal, And Madeline Carroll was too." He has a secret plan.
  7. Yeah, all people who die of heart failure are stupid. Must be your Marine thing.
  8. You have a nice way of saying it. I'm not being sarcastic at that, either. There is a much different ethic at play, now.
  9. Well, another player is not going "I love Buffalo no matter what and I will stay here until I die". Now he must go. Some fans say so. Don't force me to say Soup.
  10. Complacent. Isn't that what gets most people?
  11. If you are going to run over the tight end as a designed play, why not just put in a tackle eligible? All a TE has to really do blocking is get in the way for a second or two before he releases. Oh, we are used to tricky offenses now. Double fake reverse screen pass.
  12. Draft picks = shiny things.
  13. I've never been able to figure that out. But I'm not a TBD football genious either. Why do you want your D backs running towards the LOS on an obvious pass play?
  14. Don't sweat it. If she's going to visit anyone besides AJZepp it will be you. You not only have a cool basement, you bought her a big screen.
  15. I just had a flashback to a certain 4th and forever against Jacksonville, but looking at the roster I think we need to hold onto Nate. Buffalo isn't exactly filled with above average defensive players, especially secondary. Then again, how can one tell when the schemes and the coaching calls for them to play seven yards off on a third and four?
  16. Face it. Most of us are spoiled punks.
  17. Have to take a bye here. Also, a lot depends on true intentions that no one I'm aware of has a good read on yet. I'm also not aware of where they are in having a viable initiation sequence, though that was probably purchased through Khan. Hence, my Parchin comment. It's one thing to know how to do it vs. being able to do it. There's a lot more involved than simply having the material for the pits. I'm assuming they are looking at an implosion device vs a cannon device, otherwise why the secrecy on explosives?
  18. They are very aggressive, and have been known to attack and even kill humans in the wild.
  19. Watching too much: "Isn't shay a beau-tee!"
  20. Snakes in the swamp Do we sick Samuel L. Jackson on them? Seriously, this is pretty screwed up. Once the critter supply starts to dry up, they might start cruising the neighborhoods.
  21. 8 weeks of Eric Moulds posts.
  22. I have no idea what that even is anymore.
  23. Not that easy to synchronize 54,000 centrifuges, but still very doable. What's more telling to me is activities at Parchin and the Iranian refusal to allow any IAEA oversight there. Heavy water production doesn't fit well into peaceful applications either. I think there has been quite a bit of tunnelling going on over the last few years as well. Dispersal and hardening. Another reason to basically rule out a decent military strike option. Perhaps we should have a pool on when they make their announcement vis a vis the nK playbook?
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