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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. How about dressing them all in giant twinkie suits to encourage young girls to feel good about themselves no matter what their eating and exercise habits are?
  2. I'm afraid they would just move in another idiot saying the same things. The Mullahs approve candidates before they are allowed to run. They would likely just install another clone.
  3. Must ban about 4 Donald Southerland movies as being subversive.
  4. I hear you. Makes me wonder about "men"? Did I miss something? Probably. That's not what you wed, and if you do you are an idiot and pretty well deserve it.
  5. I've long since given up on who is cynical here and who isn't.
  6. If you want to run a post count, mention teachers and TBD lost fantasies. Works every time.
  7. I've been noticing that, and thought it might put some of the "Draft another # 1 QB unproven in the NFL" stuff to rest. But, people in hell want icewater.
  8. Given your parameters and constraints, I'd rather have a serviceable two than one somewhat above serviceable of anything. Football players can get broke.
  9. I think they have enough cowbell.
  10. Can a football team go public? Doesn't Green Bay have some kind of fan ownership stake? If the (local/national/global) fan base is really that strong, who would be willing to buy shares of the Buffalo Bills? I know less about finances than my neighbors dog, so if this is really off the wall, just laugh at me and tell me no, not possible.
  11. To stray a bit, but I had no idea until watching a show the other day that bourbon actually starts off as beer. As much as I enjoy a good bourbon, too.
  12. This could be. But, historically the Iranian people have been pretty ambivalent until somebody actually DID something to them. Yeah, I know all the arguments about the Iranians "wanting change", but they are also the same ones we've been hearing for 25 years. I'm getting mixed opinions from my correspondants.
  13. That bad old Israel must go. I'm having trouble figuring where all this rhetoric fits in. Iran seems to be acting very provocatively, and a lot of it is probably so much BS. The neighbor's dog knows they are lying about their nuclear program and there's a concentrated campaign to piss off Israel. Is this just testing the limits of the envelope? I don't see Iran having the position of strength to be able to start dictating anything to anyone yet. One could make an argument that they are inviting some sort of attack in an attempt to rally the other happy Islamo-fascists, and to push the fence sitters, but that is a stretch.
  14. (slurp...chug...) I'm sorry, did you say something?
  15. Perhaps if this is "true love and committment" he takes his scholarship, gets a worthwhile degree and she lives with him in a little apartment somewhere, working at the IHOP to make ends meet. When he gets hired by the Fortune 100, if she still wants to go to school, she goes then. Why? Because it sounds like practically speaking he has the better chance of using the available opportunities to enhance both their futures as a couple right now. See how far THAT one floats. Real love means putting each other first, not one or the other. And, if it's not "real love", that will prove itself within the first year. Relationships are made more by jointly dealing with adversity than they are going out on Saturday night with no real overhead to worry about.
  16. Fugg You, Bill the midget prick that knows everything. You didn't find your wife dead from a similar problem.
  17. Read past your last post, if that's possible. I asked a question about network exec influence on voting. I got back as the only answer some blog link about how everyone was really cool.
  18. Neither do I, but when I asked an honest question about it, I got sent on a goosechase. Can't figure out how that answered a yes or no question. Seems defensive to me.
  19. I think the Bills should subsidize all this expert attention, but that would seriously conflict with the Ralph is cheap posts.
  20. You in heels today?
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