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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. Thanks, Simon. Things like that renew what little faith I have in my fellow man.
  2. They definitely don't write them like they used to. Hence, my obnoxious TV comments. I don't think they ever made a bad episode.
  3. We should talk. I get the sense overall that you realize things are more complicated than can be easilly posted here.
  4. I sort of used to care about Bailey...
  5. Fugg if I know. I wasn't offended.
  6. You must be killed because you might not want whoever for a draft choice.
  7. She looks good in a short skirt, and boots.
  8. I'm a little tired of you tossing me aside for every future draft pick who comes along, too.
  9. I wouldn't explain myself to a waitress, from "I'm a disabled" point of view. Nothing at all against wait staff, I've always found it much better to make friends of bartenders and waitresses/waiters. I am usually a good tipper too. Has never not come back to me. If it really bothered me, I'd have called her over and challenged her to a drink the same way, while saying "hey, my neck is screwed up, can you do better? Show me a better way to drink without a straw." Make fun of her legs. Or, you can give people the permission to laugh at you while you sit there. You can turn that stuff around and not have any proplem.
  10. But, he was seriously offended. People might now make fun of fat people. FAT PEOPLE! By God. yall? Get a grip. Why do you think restaraunt managers blow people off?
  11. Piss off, Ramadan Boy. Two days? Government or business? I'm not up on British Holidays.
  12. Give it up. It's the new shiny toy theory vs. objective thought. I keep looking at one decent year. In college. A lot of college players never see the NFL. Why? Because they are college competition. If the pick for needs crowd really wants to pick for need, trade down.
  13. FWIW, I have a lot more faith in a higher power than I do in a National Geographic special. No matter how much a want to be college graduate internet poster that took 3 science courses dictates as truth, there is still a mystery. Science used to look at mystery for inspiration. Now, science bands together to eliminate it. If nothing else, maybe there is just some stuff science hasn't figured out yet.
  14. I have to think he's had a few thoughts about free will and opposable thumbs.
  15. What's really sneaky is that a lot of guys will watch it just so they can slam it. It's still income.
  16. Been to the Derby, twice. Has anyone else? Likely, more than I have. A true American sports tradition with it's own protocols. I hope the mint juleps and pretty women in dresses and spring hats sticks around before it gets turned into the "Super Bowl". The infield party used to be a lot of fun.
  17. I tend towards the Limbaugh theory.
  18. A tad ironic to this, but I have sort of a "buddy" that's the daughter of a friend of mine. She is really heavy into the cheerleading thing, they do it competitively. Great kid. Recently turned 17. She probably weighs 95 pounds soaking wet and her biggest problem with her "looks" is that she's so skinny and can't eat enough to "fill out", as she puts it.
  19. I was sort of thinking "Get a grip, people". I've been a Catholic for almost 50 years. And, I've read and discussed enough to think that among other things, Jesus had a very good sense of humor, not to mention good comic timing, and likely drank his share of wine.
  20. You left out the two gay guys.
  21. Viewed by many currently enightened people as a generalized springtime oriented but somewhat historically based upon certain religious ideas currently being de-bunked by various scholarly politically correct media activities weekend holiday that can't be considered a real holiday because we don't get a day off work for it. Although no one is going to be doing very much in the southwest on 5 May. (Now 1-5 May?)
  22. Someday, computers will know how to dispense samples.
  23. Couldn't find mine, either. I'd love to know what they consider the mean salary.
  24. I don't know. I caught about 5 minutes on it while channel surfing. The host of the show was drinking the "beer" out of the vat because he didn't believe the guide either (It...tastes like beer!). The stuff looked like a dark amber with some foam but not a fizzy head. Sounds like Google time.
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