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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. I love you too.
  2. If you don't like it, shut off your phone.
  3. My cat's breath smells like catfood.
  4. Something we used to read about.
  5. I'm just an !@#$ about it. You both get and richly deserve your respect. I love ya anyway. But I can one up you on nuking Iran or not.
  6. Why not? Has anyone added up the Ngata's yet?
  7. That sort of sucks. I was on my last tour of Germany, I remember the protests of farmers blocking traffic with their tractors because they couldn't sell their produce because of the possible fallout. Was quite a mess. The sucks part is that was 20 years ago. I feel a little older each day. And I don't think I'm even technically old yet.
  8. Turn off your phone. You'd be amazed how peaceful your world becomes.
  9. "We will bury you" Signed: Whoever gets naming rights.
  10. I think this is another subject with way too many moving pieces to really discuss well here. This is a lot more complicated than Iraq was.
  11. You're so easy.
  12. I did my dining room in various nuclear explosions with napalm attacks for trim. Very harvest season.
  13. Nothing, I just thought I'd say free sex.
  14. I'm introducing it to Alexandria today.
  15. You look a little nervous on the pole. I'm just saying.
  16. Two fifteen year old Asian girls. You would have loved it.
  17. No? Should I? Is it a good show? Why can't TV come up with any really hot women.
  18. You are right! I'm amazed!
  19. You guys must be really lonely. At least I'm playing a video game.
  20. I'm assuming she's fat and uggly?
  21. He has a summer place in Siberia.
  22. Drive for show, putt for dough.
  23. I pretty much always get good service. Guess my dates should like me.
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