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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. That's pretty sad, Harriet...
  2. Only if you work in a boarding school.
  3. I don't know anything about the guy, but damn...the ethics committee? Don't you sort of want one of your "cleaner" members sitting there as your party lead?
  4. The inebriated part looks pretty clear from the photo. Not too many of us look all that hot coming off a drunk. You should see some of my mug shots. That said, she's really not what I'd call an overly pretty woman face-wise. A little too hard. More of a runway model look than covergirl.
  5. Mollohan The WSJ is usually pretty accurate. I'm thinking that having the lead Democrat on the Ethics Committee (of all things) under that type of cloud can't be helping the cause.
  6. Scary thing to think about with a house full of daughters... What are you planting? Wheat?
  7. I think, as with anything else and anyone else, one can take one part of something and find what they want out of it. I personally agree with the transformational planning guidance issued under Rumsfeld, was too long in coming. Along with that, I understand why certain Pentagonites are against it. Many don't want to leave the legacy way of doing things. I also disagree with going to war using a strategic model based on new concepts that haven't been integrated and implemented yet. The new model calls on a lot more political-military planning than just military planning. This requires cooperation within the government that just isn't there.
  8. LOL. I can mentally see that one. Belongs in a Dickens novel.
  9. You really think so? I felt that a lot of Hunt for Red October got shuffled around and key points left out that could have been covered with an additional 15 minutes, and be more true to the story. BTW, Hanks is not a bad choice. He definitely has the range. I think people might have wanted Clooney for a "prettier" face. His on screen personna just doesn't match the character, IMO.
  10. The part about them fitting is sort of scary...
  11. Not anyone I think I'd care to date.
  12. Here's to martinis, candlelight and old blue eyes for you and Mrs. Mock tonight.
  13. Jailhouse Smuggling Just how much pot are we talking here? And if she stands up too fast do her guts fall out?
  14. (Email I Received...) >Now we can all have new nicknames!! > >A BIT OF FUN > >My new name is in the subject line, so don't laugh until you find out >what your new name is. > >We all need a little stress-reliever! > >This only takes a minute. Please don't be a bore and ruin it. Send it >on and include the person that sent it to you. > >Sometimes when you have a stressful day or week, you need some >silliness to break up the day. > >Here is your dose of humor... > >A. Follow the instructions to find your new name. >B. Once you have your new name, put it in the subject box and forward >it to friends, family, and co-workers. > >Don't forget to forward it back to the person who sent it to you, so >they know you participated. And don't go all adult - a senior manager >is now known far and wide as Dorky Gizzardsniffer. > >The following is excerpted from a children's book, Captain Underpants >and the Perilous Plot Professor Poopypants, by Dave Pilkey, in which >the evil Professor forces everyone to assume new name... > >1. Use the third letter of your first name to determine your new first >name: > >a = snickle >b = doombah >c = goober >d = cheesey >e = crusty >f = greasy >g = dumbo >h = farcus >i = dorky >j = doofus >k = funky >l = boobie >m= sleezy >n = sloopy >o = fluffy >p = stinky >q = slimy >r = dorfus >s = snooty >t = tootsie >u = dipsy >v = sneezy >w = liver >x = skippy >y = dinky >z = zippy > >2. Use the second letter of your last name to determine the first half >of your new last name: > >a = dippin >b = feather >c = batty >d = burger >e = chicken >f = barfy >g = lizard >h = waffle >i = farkle >j = monkey >k = flippin >l = fricken >m = bubble >n = rhino >o = potty >p = hamster >q = buckle >r = gizzard >s = lickin >t = snickle >u = chuckle >v = pickle >w = hubble >x = dingle >y = gorilla >z = girdle > >3. Use the third letter of your last name to determine the second half >of your new last name: > >a = butt >b = boob >c = face >d = nose >e = hump >f = breath >g = pants >h = shorts >i = lips >j = honker >k = head >l = tush >m =chunks >n = dunkin >o = brains >p = biscuits >q = toes >r = doodle >s = fanny >t = sniffer >u = sprinkles >v = frack >w =squirt >x = humperdinck >y = hiney >z = juice > >Thus, for example, George W. Bush's new name is: Fluffy Chucklefanny. > >Now when you SEND THIS ON....use your new name as the subject. >And remember that children laugh an average of 146 times a day; adults >laugh an average of 4 times a day. > >Put more laughter in your day. There is much pleasure to be gained from >useless knowledge. (and how scary is it when the new nickname kind of >fits?)
  15. Fun bags and a nice nose wins. It's TV.
  16. Catch and release. The fish and I understand each other.
  17. It's an absolutely gorgeous day in DC today. I'm giving serious thought to walking down to the Potomac with a bottle of wine and doing a little fishing.
  18. Funny, I figured you for a C. Happy Birthday, fellas.
  19. You need to take the other half of the test.
  20. FWIW, I know a few retired three stars that still maintain high level clearances and access due to their consultant work. Also, FWIW, things get pretty Machiavellian within the E-Ring. If anything, I question the timing, and would look at the relationships between those complaining and those not, respectively. You need to also remember that you have two former SecDefs on this administration, one doing a second term as. The current relationships both civilian and military were forged a long time ago. So were relationships with outsiders. The Clinton admin, being basically not of the old time establishment didn't have those long term ties and connections. In some cases they actually went to the Carter well for people. I know a guy pretty well that was a light bird during Carter, was marked as an up and comer, and retired a three star under Clinton. He also was an outspoken advocate for Kerry. Pete Pace may lean Democrat politically, but his military ideology fits in with what's current. Take a look not only at the JCS, but the COCOMs too. Look how many Navy-Marine 4 stars are floating about out there, and where they are. This also shows a different direction the "Rumsfeld DoD" is heading. Heading away from the AirForce-Army domination as of recent years. And, as has been mentioned, a lot of people just disagree. There is more at work here than whether Iraq was done good or bad, criticizing Iraq is a defacto criticism of a restructure of the Department and the transofrmational guidance that has been issued over the last few years. Another irony, the Dem national defense message is borrowing off a lot of the transformational guidance language initiated under Rumsfeld.
  21. I taught Machiavelli every thing he knows.
  22. I'll pick lettuce.
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