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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. I hear you. Wellbutrin is hype, too.
  2. Anyone told you you don't get it and you are a jump up for no reason idiot lately?
  3. Oh. The definite answer... WHAT ABOUT THE PIGGIES!!!
  4. Good cover. I've had them planting about three to five plants in a clearing. Spaced out... But damn, it's hard to run chimps in California from the east coast.
  5. Shhh...I've been organizing them....
  6. Good for you. Keep him there before he hurts somebody.
  7. Pretty much. Don't wear the light grey suit on a muddy, rainy day. I've watched those other shows, and to coin an old phrase, they couldn't get out of the rain. I've heard better singers in garage bands, but they don't have 20 something hyper entertainment directors and media counsellors telling me what I like. I must always be told what I like. Otherwise, I'd never know.
  8. No, adopted from afar. We're a little worried about him now.
  9. I thought about that after I said Hi and happy birthday... Still, Eddie's been adopted...
  10. Hey, Kristen Dodd off the weather channel came around, so anything is possible. (Sort of tells you how boring my life is, but oh well). Then again, some of us do get hotter with age. I think the secret word is...(looks left and right...) A makeover.
  11. What are the rules? Do I have to know what I know now?
  12. We do this every three weeks, or so. I respectfully submit, that overall, "Country" women are hotter, have better voices and the bands have much better musicians. I'm not saying "what you like", I'm saying musicians. I don't even like country, but I do like music and good looking women.
  13. I think it required killer chimps trying to look innocent.
  14. Reading a couple other JP this or that threads got me thinking. Just why were they losing so many games? In spite of how pathetic the offense was, they were still in quite a few games. Just as a trend, the D seemed pretty stout on 1st and second down - then went for a pretzel on third. Things overall might have looked a little different if the Bills didn't keep giving their opponents more chances. How many 3rd and longs got converted that most any other team would have stopped? And, would those extra possessions have given the even mediocre Bills offense a chance to pull a blind squirrel for a few more scores? Also hoping these guys can all play press coverage. Lining up 12 yards off a receiver never helped either.
  15. I've never caught on to that one, although I still watch the reruns of the others. Everytime I see him I think of a "Bug in an Edgar suit". Same head tilt and everything.
  16. Is that nightmare finally maybe over? There's been a lot of gnashed teeth over the lack of O-line picks, but damn. How many times in the last couple years did the Bills easily give up 3rd and 5 or better (let alone 4th and whatever...).
  17. Hmmm. Wouldn't another safe on the Andrea Doria be more appropriate?
  18. Maybe they should just make an episode of "Deadliest Catch" out of it.
  19. Remaining upright and facing forward would be an improvement.
  20. Funny, I figured a link for Wegmans.
  21. Whew...I was up all night wondering about that. Thanks.
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