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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. Now now, be nice....this was was told to me to be the kinder, gentler board. As I am dead, I've been sentenced to this site to earn my angel wings. I must be nice or forever have to play poker with BF and actually spend more than three seconds ignoring NBF's idiocy. By the way, the Pope died the other day. I'm so glad that our real true warriors sucking bilge water taking trays from the messhall know the significant differences. We'll miss the Hulk. What a true contribution to the betterment of Man.
  2. Go make me a sammich.
  3. Oh, Sweet Cablelady... M' Lady, I do it all for you. The rest of the Templar Knights argue in jealous tones, for they know I have your fair and so understanding ear. And they are so justly displeased. (I bow) I am at you're service, fair maiden. I shall slay yon dragon...and bring thee his head. (You CAN barbecue, right? Hey, it's a little stringy...but not bad...)
  4. Barney's a Fag. He makes movies...so Darin and Kelley have told me...
  5. I took time off to be the acting Pope.....until that little thing with Sister Mary-Elizabeth... ( But DAMN she was hot!) (Disclaimer: I'm Polish Catholic, was raised up before Vatican 2, and I've been told this is now the "Kinder Gentler" board. I will restrict my more serious opinions to things like how the world died when the Hulkster retired (You need to learn a little on life NBF-gonna fight me for saying that? Come on, bro...) , and Barney the Dinosaur finally came out of the closet.
  6. That's OK, he used it, and will have forgotten it by tomorrow. My guess, is that the guy was really Greek.
  7. WTF knows. He probably learned about it from "Increase Your Word Power" from a 13 year old Reader's Digest at the (cough) clinic, and has waited all this time for an intelligent chance.
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