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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. Baby's blood. I got the recipe from TD.
  2. I immediately had picked Pearl light about 35 pages ago. How can they call that beer?
  3. Cool Care for some kitty on a stick? My treat.
  4. I just wanted to get two back to back cat avatars in.
  5. Hey, we have some at work you don't want to stand too near. They could probably work in a zero g environment. You can feel the breeze. I've seen loose things fly off tables, and two contractors are missing. Awesome machines.
  6. I was referring to that particular area. You handle Islam different in Indonesia that you do in Iran. Just as some places are more "Protestant" than others. Islam resembles to me, in that regard the Protestant faith. Just how many denominations are there? As for Muslims, there are probably 10 different levels of Sunni, or more. The damn wahabbi think part of the wahhabi is nuts.
  7. . As someone who has spent a lot of time eating goat with Abdul in Afghanistan, I don't think you have the slightest idea of what I know about these people or the situation.
  8. One more time: Whether it was true, or not...a lot of people, especially the left aisle, want a "Hearts and Minds" campaign run. "Change the reasons people become terrorists" "Kumbaya", etc. Little incidents such as this set back any progress that was made almost to sqaure one, or worse. Media HAS to be sensitive to these things. How many of any of you give a rat's ass about a Qeran being flushed? Is this important news that will affect your life? Well, Abdhul the goat farmer has an entirely different concept. I can only imagine what CENTCOM's information operations people are thinking right now. I can pretty well guarantee it's not about re-newing their NEWSWEEK subscriptions.
  9. There is nothing "real" whatsoever about 24.
  10. Large feline creates controversy over altercation with vertically challenged athletes?
  11. The problem here, among others, is that I hear a lot from the left side of the aisle as to how much we should be working to "win the hearts and minds" "seek out the reasons and adress them" etc. Do you have ANY idea how mauch damage this just did to those efforts?
  12. Would this be a bad time to post my "Kitty on a stick" barbacue photos? I think TD is holding one...
  13. The problem is that this is a true conflict of cultures. There is almost nothing that can be done short term with psyops that's going to make one hoot.
  14. I caught that this morning. My interest in the IRL may just have been re-newed. It's especially nice to see a woman actually get into some competitive equipment. Could you imagine if she won? She could retire next year on the endorsement money.
  15. Be well, Gus...I think of you and your Dad often.
  16. All the really good "oldie but goodie" threads are four servers removed. Not a dig, just a fact.
  17. that was something to see. Can you imagine the bird's last thought "Oh fu.."
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