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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. Y'all don't get out much, do you?
  2. MOMMY MOMMY I DON'T LIKE GRANDMA! Shut up and keep eating.
  3. Yes...I also enjoy pulling the wings off flies. I drive over every squirrel I can catch. Oh, so many issues and inadequacies...I'm such a Cheetos keyboard kind of guy. Zits too. Sad, but true. Big tough Navy guys who cry over wrestling put me to shame everytime. I rushed out and bought Kleenex after that. Sure gonna miss.....who were we talking about?
  4. OK, I'm hedonistic...but I hate the articles that talk about MY mortality. I'm already dead, for Christ's sake. Geeze.
  5. Hey... watch it now... Bunnies are not defenseless...they are Evil. You didn't catch that in the last Star Wars, they were leaving room for "Revenge of the Bunnies"? Might be better dialogue.
  6. Yes, my friend...I laughed as well. Has he an animal we might slaughter and eat? Or does he ponder the pain of the cabbage, as it is plucked?
  7. Harriet, How many times have I told you not to name things you were going to eat? ...............OH, wait a minute........ Scratch that..... (But I DO make some great Fried Chicken, I posted my recipe on the Bills recipe thingy, but I guess true Buffalonians just don't care for Southern Style). Too bad. The biscuits are to DIE for.
  8. Sadly...Yes. Yes we are. (sniff) Anyone want to try a cute little bunny rabbit? Who's with me?
  9. You get my email, Sugar? I love the headbands.
  10. And, objectively, why is Pat Tillman a great hero? Spare me the "giving up a football career" crap. Joe Snuffy, who gets killed by whatever, gets an obit and two paragraphs in his or her local paper, if he or she is lucky. I don't see where Pat Tillman is a great hero. You don't stand up in the middle of a firefight. That's stupid.
  11. What are you wearing? Crap, you're left coast. Probably something with ruffles buttoned tight around the neck. Sort of Dana Carvey-ish?
  12. We are all so glad and astounded that you know the "truth". May the true story be told. I'm all ears. I find the dishonestly, coverups and lies from our current leaders indefensable. Well, tell us the truth then. We're waiting. I am, at least. OH...that's right. I'm being blinded by the right! Hey Dev? 5 4 3 2 . . .
  13. And folks like you really know so little of what actually goes on that I barely even comment on this stuff anymore.
  14. The fact that he still had all his appendages should have ruled that out.
  15. If this is awesome storytelling in this day and age, then several people are rolling over in their graves. It had the special effects that everyone expected to see-to the point that the the first 20 minutes of the movie rolled by without any plot, or any dialogue. "Jedi Knight" or not, those two guys shouldn't have lasted 30 seconds in an environment fully surveilled and filled with enemy combatants...OK, it's a movie-but for crying out loud, make it somewhat interesting and suspensefull. And, taking over the entire government? If it were THAT damn easy to do, I would have done it years ago. And, how do you explain the entire damn armed forces waiting on a code word from Mr Bad guy to wipe out all the JEDI knights-and in spite of their "force" no one had a frigging clue? I saw enough plot holes to drive a tank battalion through.
  16. Paul Simon? All I know is that it forced me into buying an SUV (bigger windows) and I had to hire illegal immigration labor to get one sorry assed pony out of one side window. He didn't even bounce and spin, just sort of stuck there. Now, I have contributed negatively to both the immigration issue and the energy problem. So much for science. I'm going to kill some nice fluffy bunnies now. Killing bunnies is a good thing, don't you think?
  17. I thought you were going into a really bad gay fantasy until the last line. It could work. It would work. They lie about it, but women are generally hornier than we are...
  18. And, one must be practical. It's really hard to get a pony through a side window.
  19. Damn. Pretty impressive.
  20. Youngun's, I swear. Doesn't anyone appreciate long lithe legs and a nice tight behind anymore? I miss the 20th Century.
  21. OK, take the high road. I'll admit I'm a dirty old man.
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