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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. Actually, some actually prompt some intelligent discourse before they fall into the sewer. Rare moments-but it happens. I'm still waiting for PTR's examples of lies and misdeeds. Guess we forgot about that one.
  2. Only by idiots who would prefer to be speaking arabic in 10 years.
  3. Well, just guess eveyone is going to have to get over it.
  4. I'm going to go listen to bluerass music and slap my thigh now. See ya. Glad it's all about what and who people don't like. Anything in Syria is personal.
  5. CTM makes a hell of a lot more sense than most folks around this part. Ever hear of irony?
  6. You forgot Thailand and Uzbekistan. Don't be so narrowly focused. Shidddhead,
  7. Hey...isn't that a class three misdemeanor? Damn. That bad old crap throwing... Oh well, got you, didn't he?
  8. I'm good at multi-tasking. It's probably about time to go back to the ether, isn' it? as the ghost, I'm only allowed so much time. And, there is the really HOT little Polish girl to consider. I just so love an international job. God Bless diplomatic relations.
  9. Uhhh...I'm trying to keep up with this while emailing my bi-sexual 5-10 125 pound blonde green party tree hugger pen pal in the Netherlands. Don't confuse me.
  10. I go back to my original mantra. We wouldn't have to do that to the degree we do, if "Government" were allowed to just make things work. You know I'm not talking out my ass, Chris. All I can hope for is that maybe a few folks here think about what we are writing today. But, we wil also trample...and sometimes being the big bully, we get taken down a notch. I'm just SO SICK AND TIRED of seeing the simplistic crap spewed by both sides. I find it incredible-yes, incredible that we haven't been taken over by "!@#$istan" thanks to our lack of understanding of most anything. Collectively. Crap, this is why I quit posting the last time. JA is going to be on me again....
  11. I'm not reading the entire thread-yet. I'm just taking this opportuniy to say.... Hi. How ARE you? You look a little pale. Eating right? Getting enough sleep?
  12. I put "2" in the States category. "3" is inherently global, which is sort of what I said. You are thinking inside the box, Chris. Open your focus outside of what is happening beyond our eastern and western shores.
  13. What I personally think is happening, Chris...JMO, is that the conventions and the rules of land warfare were written for another time and another set of wars. 21st century warfare is incredibly more complex, and currently is more global than either of the two world wars. Just because people don't see it (past things like Iraq) doesn't mean it's not happening. What this means, to me-(the bizarre big picture guy) is that it is time to replace certain rules, guidelines, conventions, etc-with a set of policies that more reflect the times and situation we now live in. That has been happening "under the table" for quite sometime-often, to the benefit of all concerned-including our enemies. The problems are, as usual perceptions as advanced by a mass media looking for a buck-not truth, and too many politicians and hanger onners willing to exploit it. The simple fact of the matter is that for the most part, people are doing things a certain way for certain reasons with specific goals in mind. There are abuses, probably plenty. But, look up a few sites on prison rape, and see how conditions in American prisons-manned by union guards allow far more attrocities on a daily basis than anything going on within the military system. It's not a flavor of the week media subject, so it doesn't exist. You expect a machine the size of the US government to be perfect, and perfect by your rules? I hazzard to guess the VA Beach PD has had it's moments. but an entire National system has to always be perfect TO EVERYBODY in this polarized land to be worth a crap. I'm sorry in a way, but for the most part I'm not. I do wish that America, as a people would just back up, take a deep breath, stay away from the TV for one friggen week and think about what is truly important to them, and those they love. Then think about the impediments that those who are trying to provide that for them have to face...every...single...friggen....day.
  14. I've grossly oversimplified, to the point of absurdity-but what many people fail to realize is that what is in our best national interest, both long and short term is not necessarily "nice". And, it very often makes little sense to the casual observer when it is viewed in individual bits and pieces. Things have to be viewd as a whole, to get a proper perspective. We can not, nor will we always wear the white hats. No one else in the world does it, why should we? We are in a unique-but very tenuous situation right now. The future of the United States for the next century or more may well be shaped inside of the next ten years. If folks don't like it, and think we should go another way- they need to OBJECTIVELY take the time to look at the big picture. Remove personal bias and analyze what is happening, and the courses of action available. Granted, starting from scratch it will probably take a year or more to grasp all of the essentials-but hey! Just like in football there are people who make careers out of working this stuff out. and how often do we disagree with the decisions and the thought processes of those who have dedicated a life to football? Another "Hey". This is a hell of a lot more complicated and a hell of a lot more important than football. Let me see a show of hands who REALLY think everything is the fault of this administration? Hands of those who actually might have a clue as to what they are talking about (see ya, Promo-didn't make the cut) and are willing to look objectively. This truly isn't politics, it truly isn't partisan. Yes, that often rears it's ugly head and gets in the way constantly-but it's not what it's all about. The primary purpose of a central government, our government IS national security. Bottom line. National Security is not strictly defense. National Security includes things like ensuring global markets to keep our economy alive, for example. National Security might involve manipulating a certain block of nations to go one way, rather than another in their thinking and policy to offset the effects of a third. Most everything that I see complained about here, and elsewhere in so far as "social" issues, which always summon such a shiddstorm, should be the purview of the individual states. Hint. We are the UNITED STATES of America. Put what amounts to BS issues (from a global perspective), like "right to life" back into the states realm where it belongs, and let the national be national. If you don't like what your representatives in the State Senates come up with, vote different or move. Partial end to rant.
  15. We need to do what is in our best strategic national interest. Period. That's it. sometimes you use a carrot, sometimes a stick. When they've eaten all your carrots, and still don't do what you want, you beat them with the stick.
  16. And is the US REALLY not maintaining minimal human standards? Are they breathing? Are they fed? Do they have clothes? Clean water?
  17. I'd be interested in seeing the "bios" or "resumes" on all these abused prisoners. I don't doubt for a second that there are people there who maybe don't belong, but I bet the majority do.
  18. And there's nothing wrong with that.
  19. To practice my religion, all I need is my faith.
  20. Awwww...you went and done did it.....
  21. I've never seen a single episode. That is why I feel eminently qualified to comment on it. This IS America, after all.
  22. Good deal Rubes. Most everyone around here has an opinion about everything waiting for American Idol or 24 to come on. You are doing something. I respect the hell out of that.
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