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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. I was willing to stay away until this. You remember why you told them to go get a life, Bill? I'm getting the same evil feeling that sent me away the last time. And, I'm still waiting for the intelligent National Security conversation...but, in fairness, that's not a Kurt issue, and I won't go there. Where be Promo da MAN? I tell you what, if he actually has a solution to keep himself from maybe being a name on Nightline someday, I'd like to hear it. We work pretty damn hard to figure this crap out and it's really not easy to stay one step ahead.
  2. Please tell me black stockings...
  3. Coming from an idiot...you would know.
  4. Well...I did mention Idiot Savants... Hey, Ego Boy...CTM's cat has more common sense than you. Granted, I haven't met you, but I have met the cat. The longer you play this the more you will get. But, as that is the point-attention- (Mr MENSA? What a piece of work, go play Dungeons and Dragons and dye your hair purple) you must feel real good.
  5. You got something filmy and sheer on? I know you're not wearing heels. At least not this week.
  6. (shakes his head) Yeah, that's my post.
  7. Now, that is cruel. He might be a wuss, not by his beliefs, but by his willingness to express them and then walk away for three months because someone disagrees with him, but I've never thought of him as a gerbil fag. Just a pasty lawn gnome. At least you are a dwarf with a tan.
  8. Speaking of PTR, anyone noticed how quick he disappears? Starts the thread then walks. What's wrong with a little discourse? I'm still waiting for my deeply thought enlightment. Reading Ted Coppell transcripts to gain some more expertise enabling you to look down your nose at all of us blind minions?
  9. Is that anything like a "friend with benefits"?
  10. I'm not that upset by it. Just like TV, books, whatever. No one is forcing anyone to read it. I'm sure the parents of a young man or woman turned into a greasy spot by an IED would shake their head in sadness that someone could actually not only think this way, but advertise this way-but, no one is forcing them to pay attention.
  11. I took 5 years of French. It really paid off when I finally made it to Paris and ordered lunch and a glass of wine from a waiter that spoke fluent English and smelled bad. I should have taken Spanish. Actually, I'm so lousy at languages I should have taken nothing.
  12. My Gawd...how can somebody that "smart" be so stupid? I went to one MENSA meeting back in the 80's when I was invited to join. I've never met a bigger bunch of boring egos. Belonging to a club is no indicator of intelligence. How you use it is. And as far as that goes, ever watch Rainman? Where is the line between "genius" and idiot savante?
  13. I thought (might have to go back and look) that he finished his lies and misdeeds statement with a resound "Facts Suck". I simply wanted to be enlightened, as I have no understand of national policy and especially none concerning anything related to any of the WMD issues. All my opinions on anything are obviously driven by my blind allegiance to anything coming out of the right wing inspired hate media.
  14. First ammendment. He has a right to say whatever he wants. He just doesn't seem very bright.
  15. Goes well with the kitty dental tool picture, I think.
  16. The point, Chris-is not that-it's having a finite period of time to prevent something bad from happening. From what I gather, many people here would rather see the Sears tower blow up and kill a few thousand people rather than accept the fact that it can be prevented by using some fairly forceful measures. I'm frankly pretty disgusted that there are so many here, and elsewhere who are firmly convinced it is better to allow their own family, friends and neighbors die in the impression that whatever else happens, we have to show the world how nice we all are. that, after all is what is truly important. Me, I'll be charging the cattle prod if you need me for anything.
  17. Well, it should be pretty easy to extrapolate from that. You have in custody a fellow that you know has full operational knowledge of an upcoming mass casualty terror attack. He won't tell.
  18. Does anyone consider sensory deprivation followed by the use of sodium pentathol to be torture? Or a technique? New scenario. You are the father of a 14 year old girl. She turns up missing. You suspect somebody. On him is a videotape showing him sodomizing her, with four other guys in the background you don't recognize. You know he knows them, and also exactly where she is. But he won't tell...
  19. And, as far as it goes...WTF cares? Don't run around with an AK, blowing stuff up and you won't be there. Go scrape a 4 year old kid off the pavement with a shovel, then cry about the poor abused whoevers. Sheesh.
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