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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. And, this conversation is between a dwarf and a guy who lives in an igloo. God bless the internet.
  2. That's just....... whatever.
  3. I'm pretty well happy with anything not fat that will hold still.
  4. I thought we were going to talk about Nicholle Kidman.
  5. Oh crap. You are grabbing. This is fun. Let's see you defend second ammendment rights this hard based on your interpretation of rights and jurisdictions (You DID bring it up, though...good shot). and, let's not forget the fact that "war" hasn't been declared. A nation of laws? That ended about 64 years ago too. We're rolling the dice, in a way Campy. Thanks to the way the world is, and how it got to be that way, we don't have much choice. We're down by ten with 5 minutes on the clock. And we don't have the ball.
  6. Man, the older she gets, the better she looks. Let's hear it for us over 40 people.
  7. Yeah, that too. What a Machiavellian world it can be.
  8. Uh...yes, many of them have. Not on CNN? That wouldn't fit the story line. I thought due process was a right given to citizens? where, in the Constitution does it guarantee due process to undeclared enemy combatants? You think we are that stupid? Yeah, there might be a handful here and there caught up, but we wouldn't be holding any old Joe Snuffy just for kicks. No way to convince you, I know-but this is war.
  9. She doesn't have to. she'll make it close just being Hillary. Why? Beats me. And, I'd be stunned if any of the three you mentioned got anywhere near the nomination. I've had the opportunity to meet Condi, and talk with her. She is very, very smart. Much smarter I think than HC. but, she also has a rep for being a "yes-man/woman/person. As she is already known, this can be used against her very effectively. Voters don't think. They think they do, but they don't.
  10. The next election, barring another media driven national crisis, will be "American Idol goes DC". It's not who the talking head is, it's the team behind them. I have no confidence that the Dems can put together a team willing to keep their eye on the ball. The "Neocon" Repubs can. Would pretty well be the same team, and that is not a bad thing. I know, I know...Halliburton, Flight suit, etc.... but behind the scenes, you have a good group here now. They just can't market it, because anything good going on can be seriously attacked in the media, and by the opposition. As always, works both ways. I'm personally grateful for the opportunity I've had to learn how things really work. That is why I don't suffer the soundbite mentality of those who can't stay off the cell phone discussing their American Idol vote very lightly. We probably won't see it in our lifetimes, but maybe someday someone can pull it all together.
  11. Well, that's stating the obvious-but so did I.
  12. Is this like some perverted energizer bunny thing?
  13. SSShhh...this is not a good place to state the obvious. Show some thoughtless opinion.
  14. I'm not about to flame you at all. It's tactics. If I were the Republicans, I'd be grooming Condi Rice NOW. Take away Hills obvious trump cards, and add Black. We could pop popcorn for that one.
  15. Well...just have to kill him then. Maybe, he just might lead us to a few buds as well. People in that part of the world are "illegally detained" all the time. And, many have American Lawyers who have taught them the ropes. Damn, Chris-figure it out.
  16. No, I can reach above the lawn sprinkler.
  17. Hobbits have this inferiority problem...
  18. Happy Bunny sucks bad carrot juice.
  19. Isn't it amazing how we can make a problem out of anything? Friggen incredible. And oh, so newsworthy. This so much impacts on not only my daily life, but my future as well.
  20. My problem is STILL that it didn't need to be published, true or not. They supposedly have smart people working at places like Newsweek. They should act like it. But, why worry about a paycheck 15 years from now? Today is today.
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