The next election, barring another media driven national crisis, will be "American Idol goes DC".
It's not who the talking head is, it's the team behind them. I have no confidence that the Dems can put together a team willing to keep their eye on the ball. The "Neocon" Repubs can. Would pretty well be the same team, and that is not a bad thing. I know, I know...Halliburton, Flight suit, etc.... but behind the scenes, you have a good group here now. They just can't market it, because anything good going on can be seriously attacked in the media, and by the opposition. As always, works both ways. I'm personally grateful for the opportunity I've had to learn how things really work. That is why I don't suffer the soundbite mentality of those who can't stay off the cell phone discussing their American Idol vote very lightly.
We probably won't see it in our lifetimes, but maybe someday someone can pull it all together.