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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. They're really marooned Wookies. Everybody knows that.
  2. Thank Lori. I just had this image of a bunch of muslims waving their arms looking at a dead grasshopper...
  3. You said "stone". And Rich, what kind of sauce did you use on your tailgate wings? Oh, BTW...I heard you were a racist.
  4. That is absolutely ridiculous. Period.
  5. Maybe you should learn some history. Not from a textbook.
  6. Watch it, You'll be called an inbred. I've watched racing for more than 30 years. She impressed the hell out of me. And that is not because she is "cute". She can flat assed drive a race car.
  7. And well you should. I'm of the school that if you don't learn your history, you are doomed to repeat it.
  8. So much originality. Must come from a steady diet of Family guy. OH OH OH OH! Doesn't America's favorite shaved pet spankings run-off come on just after? You know, the one with the dial up you have to stay on your cell phone for 3 hours to make your vote? No wonder he's pissed. That damned Cocker Spaniel is going to win...dammit. I was pulling for the Yak. She sure can dance.
  9. Please don't. That powder blue pinafore is just to DIE for. And anti-racin' folks? It must be really satisfying to be so superior and worldly (Trauma over missing one week of Family guy?) Now you know how I feel during basketball season. Which seems to be all year. Let me guess. You got Cheetos ALL over the couch watching Star Wars last week, didn't you?
  10. Something shiny. I like shiny things... OH! REAL GILLIGAN'S ISLAND.... Do you have any peanuts? I'm out of beer.
  11. You could always revert to your 7,000 hour Family Guy tape collection, and wait a week. How dare they inconvienience you for 30 minutes for the sake of a contract and several million fans. Damn, now you won't have anything to talk about at work all week.
  12. To me, it's a function of age and activity. so in my case, no.
  13. We'll kill it first...I promise.
  14. I think a lot of people have given it a lot of thought. Fortunately, they aren't swayed by the Campy Manifesto. America will have their chance to vote them out, and we can go back to buying firetrucks and wringing our hands.
  15. I sense an experiment coming up. How many tanks of propane will fit on CTM's balcony? Has anyone ever tried to deep fry an entire steer?
  16. Miss Vickie? Did you meet her at Wegman's? Or were you scraping up after Tiny Tim?
  17. Nothing like that has happened to me at 48.
  18. Happy birthday. On Memorial Day? You get a new flag?
  19. I like your sig line. I'm glad someone is keeping up.
  20. How about we wait, and trade him for an extra bye week?
  21. Or a dynamite factory sitting on top of a natural gas pipeline over a fault line.
  22. By half a lap. Rahal-Letterman put together a solid team and race car for her, too. she may have posed in a g-string, but she's the real deal on the track. I almost felt a little bad for the winner. You could tell that the crowd was "So what. Danica didn't win, let's get a beer". I don't know how many noticed, but from the inside cameras she was fighting the car a lot of the time. Looked like it had some pretty bad understeer. As a racing fan, I still shake my head and go holy sh**. People not interested in the sport don't appreciate what she was able to do as a rookie, with the added disadvantage of having all the pressure and media attention on her at 23. One could compare it to being the rookie QB in the Superbowl-which I hope we have occassion to witness this season... And meanwhile, back at NASCAR-what a Demo-Derby last night. Booby Labonte was one unhappy dude. Dodge 600 miles of car wrecks to get beat by 6 inches.
  23. It takes a while to make it through all 7,000 hours.
  24. That I will agree with.
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