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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. What are leeches running per dozen these days?
  2. Small disclaimer: I never meant that the "draconian security" was the way to go. I'm saying that is what it would take to be even marginally effective. since we aren't going there, a different technique has to be applied.
  3. Fair enough. One of the hardest things to do sometimes is agree to disagree. You take care as well.
  4. Don't tell me you are going to feed into this, please... This is stupid enough to be obviously an alter-ego from one of us. If not, probably about 13 years old. Maybe. Or, maybe Debbie cranked up again. Hard to tell. I'll settle for idiot.
  5. Well, maybe we should wait until he figures out the nuances of actually posting, unless repeating mine two or three times is some new nouveau art form.
  6. (Sigh...) Snoop, I've never had the priv...got any pics you can PM me?
  7. OW...you left yourself open to a lot of darts...easily pointed and tossed ones too. A veritable flurry. I'll get my shots in now. No troops are "expendable". That is simplistic, bitter, and a very mean thing to say. That said, there are also acceptable risks for the mission. Once again, America, most of it, lives by soundbites, and has not seen more than a few dead American Soldiers or Marines for quite some time. There are two entire generations of America, both of them tuned into the violence, as long as it is a video game, a rap song, or a movie - and ignoring the reality of life. So, the "troops" are less "expendable" if they die on our soil? Along with your wife, children, friends? The mindset of this country truly frightens me. Y'all make it so much harder. You really do.
  8. But after four hours, you're supposed to go to the doctor. What do I tell the neighborhood women?
  9. Don't beat your brains out. Been there, done that. Not a slam on Todd, not by any means...but folks like Todd jump in with whatever caught their eye at the time. He's airing his point, as he sees it. It really takes a lot of work, and research to keep up and understand any of it. Honestly, if I didn't do it for a living I probably wouldn't bother much either. What IS disappointing is that collectively, we don't bother. I somewhat have issue with the "thinking for ourself" implications. We have a fellow poster telling us to "think for ourselves", and the substance of his position is based on a young persons emotions and a soundbite from whatever. This, sadly, makes him informed. It's a little scary to me that someone's version of thinking for themselves is little more than echoing a mass media mantra. Old argument, I know...it still is saddening. I have a 19 year old pen pal from Poland, very pretty young girl, who knows more about what is going on in the world than most of us intelligent, educated, all-worldly Americans. Sorry, Todd...you don't understand 5 percent of any of it. Jump me...but you don't. Not just you, but most. You're my "Poster Child" for the day. This is where I do and will fault, as with any other semi or actual serious subject discussed here and elsewhere. Here, Scott's PPP board, is BS, it's the elsewhere that bothers me. All of us here are basically harmless, for now. Maybe the next voting session will give everyone a few moments-y'all voted Hillary as your NYS Senator...you're capable of anything, given a TV commercial. I'm convinced of that. As an American, and a hell of a lot more apolitical than many consider me to be, I just really wish that at least a few people would open their eyes, their minds, their thoughts to THE BIG PICTURE. Take some time to digest it, and figure it from there. Yeah, you want to comment and opine, you require no knowledge. You want to help? Study. Read. Google. Get background. Understand what others are thinking in their terms, not by American standards. Not just the "Middle East Muslims", but the French, the Germans, the Chinese...it's a small blue marble, when seen from far away. And for Christ's sake, turn off the damn TV once in a while.
  10. I'm not reading FFS's diatribe. But, I'm in agreement with you on Sumo. I thought about this two years ago. Why don't we just hire 5 Sumo wrestlers, period, to do the O-line? Could probably get all 5 for under two mil. Think of the cap space. The only thing I see being a problem is the clock, we'd have to reduce the taichi and the chirichozu absolutely won't work on a short count, or the 2 minute drill. Might bring up some motion penalties, too...but it HAS potential. Crap, we survived Rueben. Was this an intense football post?
  11. You guys up on "Days of Our Lives" and Guiding Light" too?
  12. Todd? Since you brought it up, would you like to give any of us some facts?
  13. Excuse me, Did you say something? I was perusing the cheerleader thread. I'm torn between Nichole and Amanda, leaning towards Amanda.
  14. OK, I'll butt in. I would have let the man eat his dinner, and have his drinks, and left him alone.
  15. But....he's a left footed kicker. Can we do that?
  16. Besides the fact that once again you haven't a clue about any of this, do you feel nice and vindicated now?
  17. Since you don't have to, that makes it pretty easy, doesn't it?
  18. What does anyone expect? Two things are going on, "Jihad" against the infidels, comprised of native Iraqis and fundamentalist nut cases from Lord knows where, and a minority populace with a radical element that has been in charge for several years and now isn't. As soon as the invasion started, they went to ground with the intent of making everything as miserable as possible until we went away. None of these countries have much of a history of settling their internal or external differences "diplomatically". It's going to take years for things to shake out - anyone who anticipated anything else is stupid. But, this is America. Americans want things RIGHT NOW, until they change their mind and want something else. And Exiled, the "Away Game" is working just fine. When you get an idea of what you are talking about vs. your pie in the sky emotional opinions, let me know. You and quite a few others can sing Kumbaya until the cows come home, and it's not going to change anything. Get it through your head that this is war, whether the battleground be Iraq, Iran, Pakistan - or New York, Washington or Chicago. I'm sure your well thought out dynamic solution to it all is to buy more firetrucks and protective suits, hunker down and wait and put the fires out in the burning rubble after a few thousand more of our people are dead. When this country allows the draconian security provisions and the suspension of civil rights required for adequate security, it might get a little easier. But as long as things are the way they are, Homeland Security in the Homeland is a friggen nightmare and is going to stay that way for the near future. Don't look at the world as it is now. Think of what it should look like in 10 years.
  19. I thought we had been through this. You have some ideas bordering on sensible, why don't you follow them through?
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