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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. Well, I think we need to see their respective American Idol voting records...AND...Bush knows more about baseball. Who is the true American here? (A moment of silence for RCow)
  2. Ah, America.... Were he "Mikey the loading dock guy", he'd have long since been "Mrs. Bubba the chronic repeat offender car thief and part time mugger". That said, it still bothers the hell out of me that there are people who let their kids get within 15 miles of him. Nothing like prostituting your pre-teen son. He's going to walk. Overall, bad case. Gotta wonder about law in California. Like Chris rock says with OJ, they couldn't frame a guilty guy.
  3. Verdict? What kind of room service are they getting?
  4. Hey...is the fossil poop considered sendimentary? After a night of nachos and tequila...could be igneous. More complicated than it seems.
  5. We just keep having the same one.
  6. PROFILED? Did you even listen to her mouth in that video? Pulled over for 51 in a 35, broken tailight...she goes into "crap mouth mode" inside of 5 seconds...and she's being profiled? Holy Crap...
  7. Kirk was better...
  8. Maybe some committee should be working hard on an alternate use plan, istead of a "keep it running because of jobs" forum. There is simply no strategic or operational need to keep the place open. This stuff was not done on a whim. Look at DC. 50,000+ defense related jobs are going to be moved. The entire military presence in Atlanta will become history. Also, this stuff doesn't happen overnight. Anyone job displaced will have plenty of opportunity to look elsewhere. I'm not saying that's good, or fun...but it's not like getting a pink slip with two weeks notice. That's a lot of runway to have sitting there. Maybe WNY could consider incentives for someone to make use of it, rather than find reasons to chase business away. Plenty of other, much larger installations have closed - and those who have considered and intelligently worked out alternative use plans seem to be doing pretty well.
  9. Quite true, and to once again take an opportunity to slam the press, they get much of their operational intelligence from folks like CNN, FOX, Washington Post and the NY Times. most anything you want to know is out there, if you're willing to look.
  10. Nothing quite so exciting. Thought I'd slip in my IV and hose some Geritol. Maybe if I feel REALLY wild might pull out the prep-H.
  11. Dreamy? That would be the seal clubber... I'm simply "memorable".
  12. I keep trying to start a me and Anna 7 June club, with a joint party somewhere in the tropics, but she won't answer the emails. Thanks for the wishes.
  13. I have hair. I've never commanded a Starship... But I did have an erector set. Back in the little tiny screws days. Oh, back to the subject... Kirk, hands down. He had to clean up all the trash before wussies like Picard would even venture forth. And, Piccard is Gay...not that there's anything wrong with that.
  14. That answers the question. Figured Maurice would have been backed up by now. Probably still has the billboard. I make better sauce, better pulled barbecue than they did anyway. His is pretty dry.
  15. Piggy Park still open? Good sauce.
  16. TD says Pot should be illegal, forever.
  17. Gawd...I can only imagine what yours must look like, Germ Boy... Tupperwear or Petri dishes?
  18. That's where the "insurgency" is having the most effect. Many of them would, but they don't feel like seeing their families gunned down for doing so.
  19. I wouldn't do anything to him. Just wouldn't bother with his website. He's got a right to his views, I would be curious to see if he had the gonads to voice them at some young blowed up kids funeral in front of his parents, though.
  20. DISCLAIMER: You guys are right. I mis-read the piece. I thought they were doing away with the CIB and replacing it with. That was my issue with the subject, and I was wrong.
  21. I didn't mean that the Navy or AF casually handed out medals...it just seems like they have a lot more ribbons for all kinds of things. I've seen E-4's with two rows of ribbons behind their NDSB. What are they all for? The question here is tradition. I still think there is a lot of difference between the infantryman who has to do it full time, and the truck driver or clerk. The military, the Army anyway used to have a lot of tradition-everything seems to be getting homogonized. Does that help or hurt?
  22. Debbie has her moments...but, that's why I love her. The only thing I'll toss in is the "transformation" aspect that is going on, and has been discussed, even here. Our military is re-structuring, to meet the new threats. Unfortunately, it just doesn't happen fast enough for most people - including the military, many of who would like to not see it happen at all. As with anything else, be it politics, business - there is always going to be a faction that wants to "Command" a combat division with lots of tanks and guns, ala Patton. The new way of doing things is much more cerebral, and one might have a two star general who could have been a division commander in charge of 120 people sitting behind computers. They often don't like that.
  23. Yup. Most do. I never begrugged anyone their CIB. In the spirit of the point of the thread, this is just another dishonor. Yes, everyone is getting shot at. But the Army infantry are the ones who take, and hold the ground. They get the hard part. Between the combat (unit) patch I wore on my shoulder, and the cavalry brass I wore on my collar, and the three and a half rows of ribbons I earned (Army doesn't hand them out like the Air Force, or the Navy), anyone who cared to pay any attention knew what I had been up to. That said, what I was up to often times was supporting the guys with rifles who had to go face to face. Glad it wasn't me. I'm sure that there will be some well informed opinion forthcoming, though. Specialist Sally Peterson heard a mortar round once. They still have "Good truck driver" badges?
  24. This is a give no quarter, take no quarter fight. Those that are ideologically bound to take up the Jihad are not going to be swayed by any feel good press saying how wonderful and respectful we are. Theirs is a different mentality. One can't apply American-Western standards of propriety to it. I know there are several folks here who have done some travelling. It's amazing to many that the rest of the world doesn't think like America. Most of them are quite baffled by how we think. In effect, for some reason, the only people who really seem affected by this are here. Folks with a little more depth of thought in Pakistan are amazed that our media would print things that stupid and damaging, and they are right.
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