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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. Haven't been keeping up this afternoon. When I saw the tract, earlier, figured you were GTG, after having three majors last season.
  2. So, everyone is afraid to say NASCAR? Bristol on a Saturday night, Bubba. Don't want to call it a sport? Well, y'all been Tivo-ing American Idol too, haven't ya?
  3. Unless the windstream blows them back over you ears..... Oops.... Sorry, Aussie...I just had the mental picture, in general (actually, the mental image was quite funny). If we are ever in the same place at the same time, I'd be happy to buy your rack of lamb and Merlot. and I'm not a bad dancer.
  4. Pronounced BAHB-cha. I don't know how to spell it (Hey, Nervous guy...get up from the dead and help me out here). In Buffalo, we always called them "gawumpki". I kind of taught Darlene how to make them, and that Savannah Georgia Gal took them over. We'd always make a couple big batches over the Christmas season, using green AND red cabbage. She would actually mince by hand veal, beef and pork into a blend, and season it herself. They were great.
  5. He can't be a Cabbage Patch, because no one will adopt him. Who wants a CP doll dressed in blue smurf jammies carrying a bloody dead seal... Wait...I forgot about Bill.
  6. I HAVE been known to butter and sourcream... I remember my Babza making them scratch, a mound of flour on a pillowcase, eggs in the center to make the dough...all kinds of fillings. I have a Polish "PenPal" (I-NET variety) that is visiting the States in September. If my friend can get to DC, I'll have a freezer full of scratch pierogi.
  7. Yeah Sweetie, I did. Sounds like a helluva day. We had bad storms yesterday. I actually had to take cover between three 20 something young ladys. It was brutal. Nope...I didn't...I thought you meant the PM...
  8. I actually still play and sing that song, when it's appropriate. It should get posted in the "move in with the girlfriend thread".
  9. "Don't go changin' to try and please me..."
  10. Watch it Bob...NG was already in hot water for pierogi defacement comments. Now...he has no tongue, and he sleeps with the chicken wings.
  11. Let's go have some beers and pick fights with some Italians.
  12. I've always had a thing for watching midget wrestling troops fight carnivorous animals. Oh wait...that's CSPAN. Never mind.
  13. My only bumper sticker is a dead squirrel. It should fall off sometime.
  14. That's cool, you know us...we've long since hacked your computer. NICE puppy picture collection.
  15. I guess it's TBD's version of "apolitical".
  16. Trust me, I know this guy... He's not kidding.
  17. No, THAT is against the Geneva conventions.
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