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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. Sadly, it's marketing. You should know something about that. If Laci Peterson were black and fat, you never would have heard of her. Something going on since advertising. Sex sells...even if it's a tragedy. This is kind of an old, lame argument for you, isn't it? sort of beating the dead horse? Oh...wait...
  2. Yeahhhhhh...Bubba. I love it when the "True Yankees" make fun of the south. Means they won't be stopping by. I wish I were back in Savannah. It's getting warm enough now that there's certainly a lot of minor car wrecks from guys watching the sidewalks. I love 'em so much, I married one. Good women, too. Whatever else happens in my life, I'll always be truly grateful for being happy for 12 years. They don't call them "Buffarillos" for nothing. (Disclaimer: This was not meant to insult Buffalo women, or anyone associated with them. There are some truly pretty gals up there - but there are also a bunch of stuck up regionalized men who don't know what they are missing. Good.)
  3. Voting shmoting. I'm still working on a plan to beat the Powerball. Should I succeed, they can elect Barney the Dinosaur for all I care.
  4. What about the Fairbanks seal clubbing final 6?
  5. Stormtroopers The TRUE story behind the legend.
  6. You really think it's as good as it was, say 10 years ago?
  7. Shhhhhh...no one has missed Wyoming yet, either....
  8. (cough) you're ah...getting a little psychotic again...
  9. I was going to sleep tonight. Thanks a lot.
  10. Go play with the short pants crowd.
  11. Please forgive me. I missed it.
  12. I said "Condom" too. (Heh he he...)
  13. And you have a lot of races to go. AND, you have used up your drivers. C'Ya.
  14. Ed's past that. He's either learned a lot, or we took over his mind and made him into a willing weapon. Either way works for me. He want's someone who can handle a handgun with authority, now. And look REALLY good doing it. Hard to set him up in his age group, though. Maybe A. Jolie? Want me to call her and see what she's up to tonight? Not for me, mind you...we have to help Ed. After all, we did this to him.
  15. Thank you for your serious interjection.
  16. Tough choice, but Anna and I have the same birthday. I go with Anna. She STILL won't join the Super Secret June 7 club. I've also been known as a good negotiator.
  17. Been there, done that. Boring. You sure they were all transvestites? Oh, BTW...Britney is over rated. I'm glad Nicholle Kidman showed up. Buffy got tired. Gotta love mature women.
  18. I could have sworn they had their own local group around Buffalo, but that is long forgotten, or more likely ignored. Never mind...this isn't going PPP.
  19. Now now...this is the Kinder and Gentler board.
  20. I think we should quit being a bunch of wussies and just take the place down. Who's with me? We'll put the militia guy in charge.
  21. Love your avatar. How'd he get his head on backwards? (Yeah, I read the thread, we're trying to cover for the Buffalo)
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