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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. Well, thank you very much for being so defensive. So, you would if you had more time.
  2. Hey...Oprah's pretty cool.....
  3. You watch Oprah, don't you? Regularly, just a guess.
  4. Did it on the wrong night, didn't he? What's wrong with watching your tail? That's my problem, point, whatever. American's, for the most part, are stupid about life. With few exceptions, most of this country walks around with a big "V" on their forehead. It's for "victim", not victory. Your government helps it along (Congress), because they are worse hotpockets than many of us. I don't know if anyone has noticed, but legislation is pretty well centered into what makes people feel good right now. The stuff that might be good for us is what is deemed bad, fought, and paraded through CNN. I understand, though. We must always feel good and have a perfect government that gives us whatever we want right now. We, the people, need never have an ounce of responsibilty nor should we ever sacrifice our rights to never have our library computer accounts checked. Trade hidden porn for terrorist communications? No, we must protect our porn.
  5. Hey, PM or email me on the UbiSoft solution. I forgot. Copy to HD?
  6. hmmmm....interesting twist... You young guys ever check out Yeoman Rand? Kirk was banging her regular. AND was able to win the MAD parody in the "Corbonite Manuever" Piccard is a fag.
  7. I thought it was 18 - 35. Sleep tight.
  8. What? Who? I thought we were talking about Southern girls.
  9. They teach no spelling and diction at UT?
  10. I'm glad someone is focusing. We'll be lucky to make another 20 years. Unless, you let some old grumpy white guys just do stuff, and leave us alone.
  11. Yeoman Rand. In a friggen heartbeat. Top THAT, Cowbell Boy.
  12. I understand the point...but no. People didn't used to be stupid about other people because of their age. That is not a qualifier. People are stupid now for different reasons. Mostly, because they think they can.
  13. I kind of zeroed in on the "most capable in the country" thingy. Granted, I understand the cynical part...but you have now given independant credence to "I have heard of her". There are people here who consider that research. 1. They have heard of her. 2. Somebody else besides them did. 3. COOL! (Fill in your own distracting shiny thing) 4. Somebody else heard of them in the same conversation. must be important. 5. That is how America chooses to determine it's future. Those over 30, don't apply. Those that are? Keep your mouth shut and let "LOST" tell you how to live and think. Ask your kids, if you have none, ask your nieces and nephews what is the bomb today. Gotta keep up. 6. Thanks to 1-5, it's gonna get real ugly before it ever even thinks about getting better.
  14. And, why are they "stupid"? How did they become that way?
  15. Should you wake up tomorrow, and have difficulties in your morning constitutional, you may well have been violated. They have help lines.
  16. Thanks for picking up my 6. That bad old TD.... Sneaky fugger, ain't he?
  17. I don't know that I'd go as far as saying it's her fault, cut and dried. I doubt she had any intentions of being raped and murdered. I'd have to cast some blame on those who used her, and threw her away. But, in an abstract way, look at how easy it has become for Americans, especially young Americans to become victimized. Over recent years, this country has created, especially for those with some affluence, a mentality that bad things only happen on TV. And TV isn't real anyway. We don't teach kids to look over their shoulder because collectively, most of us don't.
  18. The Aruba tourist commision probably agrees with you.
  19. And that drawl...smart and polite, too. North: "Let me get that drink for you..." "F#%* off, ****! South: "Let me get that drink for you..." "Well, THANK you...I might, if you act right..."
  20. Cool. Now THAT'S a fashion statement. Retro, too. I like it.
  21. Just looking at your avatar. I came across a pic of a Falcons fan with a bannana in the same pose! I think you should sue for style infringement.
  22. You get those suspender hooks sewed on to the front of your slacks yet? Or are you going to use the alligator clips? (Making fun of seal clubbing rednecks...grumble grumble. Last time I let him use my compressed air powered kitten cannon)
  23. TD made..... Crap, I'm running out......
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