Did it on the wrong night, didn't he?
What's wrong with watching your tail? That's my problem, point, whatever. American's, for the most part, are stupid about life. With few exceptions, most of this country walks around with a big "V" on their forehead. It's for "victim", not victory. Your government helps it along (Congress), because they are worse hotpockets than many of us. I don't know if anyone has noticed, but legislation is pretty well centered into what makes people feel good right now. The stuff that might be good for us is what is deemed bad, fought, and paraded through CNN.
I understand, though. We must always feel good and have a perfect government that gives us whatever we want right now. We, the people, need never have an ounce of responsibilty nor should we ever sacrifice our rights to never have our library computer accounts checked.
Trade hidden porn for terrorist communications?
No, we must protect our porn.