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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. Boy, are YOU screwed when somebody else kills one of her cats.
  2. ....Dorothy and Toto await him.
  3. Where did you get that? I said it was different than losing a parent, not less than. And if cats are more important to you than people, especially a spouse or a family member, we have a serious difference of opinion. The "sad sad" part goes with the cats, not family members-if that clears up your confusion.
  4. It's this country, too. I've met some young people in Asia and Eastern Europe that have 5 times the sense of an American the same age. They know more about what's going on in this country than the average American adult does.
  5. Thanks. Now I get bitten by a dog. Again.
  6. Easy to say when you haven't been there. No, it's not about one's emotions. I'm going to take a shot and guess that you have never met the "reality" of death. I've caused it, dealt it, and also from the other side seen people I was responsible for die. When I thought it was all over, and I was away from it, I got a rude awakening through sudden massive totally unexpected heart failure. Reality? You just have never experienced love. There's more to that than just "emotions". Truly loving someone becomes a way of life. Part of you understands the "reality" of death, but the majority of you becomes a part of someone else, and they with you. When that gets taken away, it's very disrupting, in practical terms as well as emotional. It's different than losing a parent. I've even had people try to compare it to losing their cat. What sad, sad people. No, you don't understand a single thing about the reality of death. You will, but not yet.
  7. Has nothing to do with religion. It has to do with love, and trust, and faith. And hope. My wife, who was probably one of the best people God ever allowed on earth, and one of the most beautiful, died a little bit more than a year ago. I don't trivialize this. Think about what you say. Let her rest.
  8. Why do you care? Does it matter to you? Lose someone close to you, and see how you feel about their autopsy results posted on the internet, for what amounts to be your entertainment.
  9. How do you know, for sure? You that confident? I'm not speaking of her then, I'm speaking of her now.
  10. 'nuff said.
  11. Not even close. You must like wearing a tangerine ascot, don't you?
  12. Let her rest. It's none of your business.
  13. Adantage Kirk. Spock DID get laid once, but we are talking the big guy.
  14. No, not yet. You must drink our blood. Either that, or a LaBatts light.
  15. Picard is a fag.
  16. Carpet on the rooftop? Whatever happened to hardwood floors? Moonlight? Cast iron and glass picnic table? Pink roses in the vase? Mellow jazz on the speakers? Champagne in an iced bucket with three frozen glasses apiece? And fresh strawberies washed and trimmed to float in the crystal champangne bowl? Steamed shrimp and fresh oysters on ice. Doesn't anyone know how to "come to my place" anymore? You younguns...I swear.... Oh, probably linolieum underneath.
  17. He'd have to have a year with Miami, first. And, I think real business people are smarter than that, if they're good. The league is seriously diluted with mediocre players making a lot of money. Williams has a lot of talent...he's a damn good RB. But in the overall, I think he really shot himself in the foot.
  18. I'm an old Mustang fan from way back. I had an op to buy a GT-500 from a friends brother, back in the 70's. He wrapped the fugger around a tree before I could close the deal. So near, and yet so far. Bad Kitty. Could have used him then.
  19. We're dooooooooomed!!!! Forget Travis. The guys running the show know a lot more than we do. It works that way in most places. Methinks he'll either stay, or he'll go. Probably go, if he has his way. If not, he better friggen play when called upon. I'm not a big fan of egos. Who the hell is going to touch Ricky Williams? Someone stupid. Besides Miami? And, Miami needs a hell of a lot more than Ricky.
  20. I could send some of the new Bush SA brownshirts to rough him up, or maybe just make him go away. Have we finally found RCow? I have heard that some guys who can't get a woman will turn to other men, and vice versa...perhaps ostracized Bills fans go to the Patsy board for acceptance? They'll accept anyone until their team loses a game and something that makes noise and is shiny goes on sale at the Mall.
  21. I've heard rumors that Pamprin is just as good.
  23. I'd check again...are they LAYING or...something else? I have all your credit card numbers. Got them from Tom's cats. Check your E-Bay under classic cars. I absolutely LOVE the Masserati, by the way. Thanks.
  24. Brussell sprouts are good too. Start a pot of boiling water, with a piece of bacon and some coarsely chopped garlic, some diced onion, a little shredded carrot (adds a touch of sweetness), a dash of salt and some course ground pepper. When it reduces by about one half add your brussell sprouts. Boil for about two minutes, add a dash of fresh ground nutmeg, cut back the heat and let them simmer until crisp tender. Serve with a light onion-induced veal stock based bechemel sauce.
  25. Well, you don't like the smell, and it's something you don't like period - therefore, in Bill's terms it must be eliminated. What a solution. You want to know what you breathe everyday in downtown DC? People can't smoke in the building anyway, and the indoor air quality probably isn't going to affected much by the random puffs around the doorway. You're probably getting a lot more health damage from the biphenols and such in the air than someone's cancer stick.
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