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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. Kirk. It's a TV SHOW for crying out loud. Piccard never would have survived the fight with the lizard guy. And I never saw him nail one green chick. NOT ONE! Would he have gone through all the crap Kirk did to get Riker back like Kirk did for Spock? I think not. Kirk > Piccard.
  2. I've burned a few commie liberals. Does that count? And no, there should NOT be an ammendment towards burning the flag. First ammendment aside, that is one very steep and greasy slippery slope. Look what happened the last time someone got a "feel good" special interest ammendment passed. It gave us organized crime (and a lot of Canadian whiskey). Had to be repealed. This country has too much of a salted peanuts mentality. Let something like this pass, and you'll have 10 more ignorant ammendments within the next decade. If it's OK to usurp the first ammendment by an end around, what's to prevent doing the same to the second?
  3. I take it he skipped the class on bedside manner?
  4. Virginia gun show?
  5. I'm heading a movement to get the warnings changed to little marshmallow green clovers, yellow moons, pink stars...
  6. I think blzrul understands personal loss, very well. Most likely, better than most. If you lost your son, or your wife behind 9/11...I appologize in advance. Because I simply didn't know. Debbie is good people. I remember a few years ago, when many here said this was a "family" (actually, it was to the other side...we've ALWAYS hated each other here...). No, it's not a family - but you do get a feel for those around you, after a time. If you take some time to learn them. Might not agree with Debbie, that doesn't make her a bad person. There are also a lot of folks who need to look up "cynical". Oh well, this is one of those blow over posts. Back to the modern and improved PPP.
  7. Ditto. The son I never (wanted to) have. I'm tired of getting bitten by a dog, and the AMTRAK bills to NJ are adding up. Thank GOD ammonia is cheap. Can take a serious beating too, and keep laughing. Ed's got a lot more on the ball than many might think. He won't say it for himself, but he's a pretty smart kid. We just have to get him through the woman part, but I think he's figuring that out too. Be well, Ed.
  8. I thought I heard something about many of the "supporters" were from other countries. Releasing doves sounds like French Close Air Support, to me.
  9. Because you just can't get enough?
  10. Go whack your wookie.
  11. That IS funny. In a sad way. What moron thought that up?
  12. I have one, and so did my wife. (living will) I suggest them to anyone, so that all of this can be avoided. I also strongly suggest that couples, or whatever relationships are pertinent pre-make their funeral arrangements together. Right when someone dies unexpectedly is not the best time to be figuring that out. The question I still have though, is what two cases are the same? What may have been true is TS's case is not necessarily true in another. The living will should preclude most of that, but think - another angle would be basing TOO much opinion on this case. Wouldn't it be more useful to research through medical/pathology/etc literature several cases? And use a collection of them to form an idea? What if somehow an autopsy showed that she was "marginally aware" on some level? Where would that put your thoughts, when maybe 100 other similar cases might have a totally different result? Once again, were I ever in that shape AND aware...I can think of no greater hell on earth than someone allowing me to live. but once again, that's me.
  13. Crap. I just stopped by to see if I could get her phone number from ya...read the last few pages....what the hell happened to your thread?
  14. So, how is you knowing going to change anything? You going to bring her back? You going to have people arrested for murder? Have people arrested for abuse? Seriously, how is you knowing going to change one bit of it? I'm well aware I'm not the only person who has lost someone close to me. Happens everyday, doesn't it? That's why I am all for keeping private things private. There's nothing to be learned of value, here. Not all cases are the same. If they were, perhaps. But they're not. Personally, were I her, I would have been immensley grateful to have the plug pulled day one they knew I was in that shape, but that's me. So, what benefit is there for you to personally have information as to whether she was brain damaged to "x" degree or not? And, can that even be totally determined by a post mortum? Once again, you want to know so you can know. There's nothing you can do about it, which doesn't give YOUR high horse knowledge any value, does it?
  15. Wouldn't be enough left to make a pate.
  16. AND he nailed Susan Oliver.
  17. And here is a good argument for why there is Gitmo. What's the lad doing these days?
  18. I was talking about the "lead up to the verdict" crew. Most "analysts" on any of the stations are normally pretty stupid, but they leaned a little too hard on riding the "all signs are guilty" horse.
  19. What did anyone honestly expect? I'm not surprised in the least. All the FOX analysts look pretty stupid now.
  20. I don't know....that's pretty tight, and they run awfully damn fast...
  21. If you can get the claws to stay out, they make great back scratchers hooked to a hickory rod.
  22. Too late now Bubba, Darin's already fedexed the toolkit, and I'm sharpening the skinnin' knife.
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