Isn't ANYBODY getting tired of this Gitmo argument? Once again, inflamatory partisan politics at it's best, and everyone suckers into it. Durbin knows damn well that he's WAY off base - just providing rhetoric. either that, or he's incredibly stupid. The number two guy of either party is supposed to be the rabble-rouser. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and go for option A. All this is is an attempt to muddy the waters. Doesn't have to be accurate or have a point. He could have just said "Bush Bad", and in the grand scheme it has the same effect.
Once again, as with anything else - if this is such a travesty, where is the proposed logical solution? Right, there isn't one. Buying in to every single piece of junk fro either side is eventually going to really get someone's eyes WAY off the ball. As far as I'm concerned, the more the administration has to defend itself from a segment of the American people, the more diluted the fight against the bad guys becomes. But, letting people do their jobs seems to beyond many "experts".