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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. As JIM (not jean-luc the faggy frog name) slowly pulls ahead.
  2. Because I'm a migrant.
  3. Oh, and AQ and the boys watch our news and read our papers. Who is going to get the most mileage out of this? Someone needs to get it through their head that "we" don't matter, as far as having detailed information. The message can and should be gotten out that we won't dignify their actions by granting them "status", and failure will be unpleasant for them. It shouldn't go any farther than that. By sensationalizing, our media IS playing right into their hands - but folks like Dirbin are well past aiding and abetting. They should know better. It is not overly dramatic to state that the future of the nation and the world is at stake. Everyone should keep that primary in the front of their brain. Not this weeks ratings, or next years elections. But what will life be like 20 years from now? Hint...look at population figures. Who's breeding, and who's not? What are global demographics going to look like in 2025? The world is changing - and if we don't do some drastic things to help shape that change, we're going to get screwed.
  4. Let's pretend he knew, was making a funny, and allow him some quiet dignity. I smell blood in the water.
  5. Just past that forked tree and a little bit down from the Old Tucker place.
  6. What did you say? I can't hear you. I think I'm snowblind. And, how can you be in two places at once when you're not anywhere at all? Is that fish?
  7. We're going to make them swim? Cool.
  8. No, that was "fear of parrots" They whisper to me through the walls.... If you listened closer to the voices from the washing machine you'd know that.
  9. It was MY goat to start with.
  10. Will it run for 7,000 hours?
  11. This reminds me of the beer commercials with the lizard and the ferret.
  12. Idle curiosity. What is Durbin doing with a field agent's email? And - what is the philosophical make-up of this particular "FBI agent"? I'm not saying the person is liberal, conservative or whatever - might just be a different level of sensitivity. Has it occured to anyone that this person's idea of "torture" might not be someone elses? I don't know that what was going on was ever described that way by the author of the email. As far as I know, it could have been an objective AAR - that the Democrat operatives got their hands on, and made their own story twist out of it. If anyone here seriously considers cold airconditioning and Rap music to be unspeakable torture...I simply don't know WHAT to say, except perhaps to call you "victim" someday.
  13. You guys can out for lattes together.
  14. You would have had a dollar, if you weren't so clumsy - or pretentious. Next, you'll be rummaging for a cast away Starbucks cup just so it looks like you're really having a latte.
  15. Neither have you contributed anything of substance to this thread - loser. I on the other hand saw a bird today. A big yellow one. No, not that one - this was a real one. He was eating. I was going to name him, but he finished and flew away.
  16. Isn't ANYBODY getting tired of this Gitmo argument? Once again, inflamatory partisan politics at it's best, and everyone suckers into it. Durbin knows damn well that he's WAY off base - just providing rhetoric. either that, or he's incredibly stupid. The number two guy of either party is supposed to be the rabble-rouser. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and go for option A. All this is is an attempt to muddy the waters. Doesn't have to be accurate or have a point. He could have just said "Bush Bad", and in the grand scheme it has the same effect. Once again, as with anything else - if this is such a travesty, where is the proposed logical solution? Right, there isn't one. Buying in to every single piece of junk fro either side is eventually going to really get someone's eyes WAY off the ball. As far as I'm concerned, the more the administration has to defend itself from a segment of the American people, the more diluted the fight against the bad guys becomes. But, letting people do their jobs seems to beyond many "experts".
  17. 100% political. Bears little resemblance to reality and is meant to inflame opinion. Welcome to another Dem wants the ball back border skirmish.
  18. We are everywhere.
  19. Phaser fodder.
  20. They never last long enough to form a relationship with.
  21. Happy Birthday Brandon... Oh, and the Cards suck.
  22. Now we have...plastic!
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