As far as I know, most of the NSPS is just that, still rumor. Still being negotiated behind closed doors. Just about everyone at my agency, though, is deployable. Shots, weapons qual, the whole nine yards. We always have several civilians in country at any given time doing what amounts to vulnerability studies on installations and what not. We actually have a lot of people all over the world doing some interesting things. 50% are GS or Contractor. So, i'm thinking that's all part of the job description when you sign on. I really don't know. I'm a contractor, so the NSPS doesn't affect me. I've been thinking of going CS in the future though, there are some things going on that will create several new GS14 slots where I work, so I should probably learn more about it. With the COLA they hand out for DC, a 14 makes some pretty good money, and you don't have to worry about recompetes every few years.