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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. He's about this lively on the baseball board too. If you chase him off, BF won't have anyone to play with.
  2. How long is going to take Todd to live this down. When is the made for TV Movie? Maybe we can get a back to back behind "Runaway Bride"
  3. 1. It's only a game. 2. More important stuff to worry about. 3. BF will tend to not agree.
  4. "Under Bubba" really doesn't look too cool. I understand.
  5. I'm surprised that no one has picked up on reducing First Responder funding to pay for increased border security. ....oops.... (This IS a set-up, you know...)
  6. As far as I know, most of the NSPS is just that, still rumor. Still being negotiated behind closed doors. Just about everyone at my agency, though, is deployable. Shots, weapons qual, the whole nine yards. We always have several civilians in country at any given time doing what amounts to vulnerability studies on installations and what not. We actually have a lot of people all over the world doing some interesting things. 50% are GS or Contractor. So, i'm thinking that's all part of the job description when you sign on. I really don't know. I'm a contractor, so the NSPS doesn't affect me. I've been thinking of going CS in the future though, there are some things going on that will create several new GS14 slots where I work, so I should probably learn more about it. With the COLA they hand out for DC, a 14 makes some pretty good money, and you don't have to worry about recompetes every few years.
  7. I'm pretty sure my next trip that way will be to Jordan. Now that the WMD thingy has made everyone look really stupid, I hopefully won't be seeing Iraq again anytime soon.
  8. Damn. Thought you might have been talking about Martina.
  9. That's not the easiest thing to do there...but I guess it's possible. Where's he at?
  10. I didn't find anything. But since we were the guys looking for the Iraqi WMD, I'm not exactly surprised.
  11. Advantage=Kirk! Kirk was too busy reprogramming the simulator so he could be the first to beat the Kobeyashi Maru scenario. Picard, OTOH, surrended when the engine warning light came on. And Picard could run like that because he's a skinny wuss and had never been laid.
  12. If it weren't for all those hanging chard hot pocket votes, Kirk would have won by now.
  13. Wanna go find another thread to hijack? (running footsteps fading into the distance)
  14. Typical media whore-taking my quote out of context.
  15. Like I told Aussie, we're everywhere......
  16. Ohio is going to put us over the top.
  17. VABills lives at 256 Maplewood Lane, Giddyup, VA. 24554. A big brown house with a tree filled yard. He keeps his stash in the shower curtain rod. And check the serial numbers on the BMW. Oh, and don't pay attention to the screams from the basement.
  18. Whatever needs a gatherin'. Got a stint up in the brunette orchards next week.
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