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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. Why not make just one movie called "The Runaway Bride Who Gives Deep Throat"?
  2. Well, there goes another American Icon.
  3. Once again, it makes me wonder why kamikazi pilots wore helmets?
  4. I crashed on takeoff.
  5. Let's all go light a candle.
  6. Does anyone actually know how this stuff works? This memo thing is WAY out of proportion, and like Gitmo, is being used as a tool to undermine.
  7. Of course it's nonsense, but it's become an albatros. And, the security council doesn't do much for security, as long as veto power remains as it is.
  8. The UN either decides to fit themselves into our National Security goals and objectives or becomes irrelevant. Right now, they are very close to being irrelevant. Essentially, from what I can see, the body as a whole is usually working cross purposes to us. Why should we support them? The UN is not concerned with where the US is going to be at 10 years from now, except to try to make sure that wherever it is, it isn't good for the US.
  9. Going back to Rockpiles original intent...does any other organized religion have a financial make-up like the Catholic Church does? They are set up more like a government in that regard. And, thanks to a few billion in law suits, local parishes probably aren't receiving the kind of support they once did. As for how they go about getting it, that, to me is more a presonality issue with the solicitor rather than an institutional mentality. I've seen all kinds. Some agressive, some passive about it all. Please continue the hissy fits now.
  10. I'm sorry. Titanic at least had special effects...but "You got Served".... I'm sorry, Dev. really, I am. Really.
  11. Yup, that's pretty well it. Time to quit playing "Clinton Games". I'm all for it. If anyone payed any attention, it became a bit of a different UN during those eight years than it was before. It was bad, but got a lot worse. The only useful purpose it serves us now are basically under the table networks on the side for State. And, they don't get much done anyway.
  12. You said "enthused"....
  13. Let me know when you work your way up to the spray gun. Might have some work for you at the chop shop. Quality control must be starting to slip again. One of my interns just bought a new car, and the ignition box crapped out after something like 400 miles. Yeah, it's under warranty...but hell.
  14. You KNOW you're just going to get the Mafia stirred up by saying stuff like that, don't you?
  15. There's people with wisdom here? Wow. Yup. My picture too.
  16. Not until now. I wonder how many PM's she's gotten to this point. She's very cute.
  17. Is that what you call it? Little pet name, huh?
  18. With that particular poster, lip service is the word.
  19. Don't need to go no further than that. How's Russian work for you?
  20. She wasn't talking about me? I'm not talking to you.
  21. OK. I get it. I won't tell. It will be fun to watch. Because...many of us are heartless. You forgot that when you gave yourself away.
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