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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. PM me for an airstrike, if you need one.
  2. I think you have the talent to revive FAT yourself.
  3. I've got mixed feelings on this one. On one hand, rather see him get the needle and just get rid of him, but on the other I'd rather he didn't get his martyr status and would enjoy the thought of a long life in a federal pen.
  4. FWIW...Wed comcast tries again.
  5. Hmmm...conspiracy? East coast yards are on the attack, too.
  6. Anyone check her for grenades? OK, I'll do it.
  7. Just perused their board. A whole lot of Flyer's fans have packed it in. A few are actually calling Buffalo the "Superior Team".
  8. Yeah. I framed Tommy Dormer for what happened to Domenik Franchese in '89.
  9. I'm going to go screw my hot neighbor now. Be right back to discuss this.
  10. Yup, better draft Justice. Thank you for your participation.
  11. I can fine grade with a bulldozer. Front end loaders are easy. I'm not very good with a track hoe, though.
  12. Don't shoot at grazing zebras under the rainbow, either. Rainbows are cool.
  13. I was watching that too, weird to see a high road.
  14. Whatever you do, don't shoot a zebra. That wouldn't be cool.
  15. I was being sarcastic, peckersnot ass hole dick breath, That aside... We just got jobbed from a service I pay for. If you are going to prime viewers for a certain game, stick.
  16. In your face, Buffalo. NJ/NYC has more televisions and computers.
  17. AND THE RANGERS HAVE LIFE!!! Man, I'm pissed. It's an I-Net feed. Not TV.
  18. Yeah, I know. Something will go wrong, somewhere.
  19. Since you are Ieatcrayonz, you should make an obligatory New Jersey post. Oh...sorry...
  20. You have comcast cable, you idiot. Right click and watch the game.
  21. Enjoyed some of those. (Pics and videos) You fly?
  22. It's that Kama Sutra thing. I've been around. People know me.
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