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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. They have an I-Pod merit badge yet?
  2. You obviously have never had a creamsickle.
  3. Maybe. But that WAS deep, don't you think?
  4. Well, if no one else will...welcome.
  5. Serious question. Anyone besides me ever had any turtle soup? We used to catch big snapping turtles, and my grandmother would make a turtle soup that was a lot like Manhattan clam chowder. No canned additives. Good stuff. Buffalo area, as well. They used to have big turtles, fish and other stuff in the '50s and '60's. Still do? I really haven't been around in about 25 years.
  6. I've met your wife. No doubt you have something going to get her. Pretty Lady. You sharing the crack? Hey, it's Wednsday.
  7. He DID get a new keyboard...the "e" works. So does the "w". I think Bill is bringing us all down to the lowest common spelling denominator. Let's pick on Bill. He stirs up easy.
  8. Not by me at all.
  9. I don't know that to be true. Perhaps, with all the religions in the world that profess to understand God, God is smart enough to know that all of them have their merits and their weaknesses. For those without a religion as well. Might not agree with or even understand their beliefs, but the point is - they believe. Maybe conviction of belief is what is important, here. I'm a little familiar with the ideas of some young, disillusioned people who are willing to blow themselves up for God...but, we've seen that before. As recently as 60 years ago and since. I don't believe that is what God wants, and I would hazard to guess that many use it for an excuse, but I think also that the one out of the very many that TRULY believe they were doing right by their God are not going to be denied. But, as it so often stands and gets repeated for inspection by history...you can always get a large group of gullible, desperate people to do idiotic things, then have your filet mignon if you know how to do it right. Those guys are the ones who don't have a shot. Not the ones wearing the vest. Enjoy it now, boys. I think - voiced it before - that those who truly think it's all a bunch of hogwash give themselves and our paltry idea of "scientific understanding" WAY too much credit. Does this make me simplistic, ignorant or looking for a crutch for my own problems? Who cares? I don't. I don't do it as much as I used to, or maybe as much as I should, but I sometimes still pray. And by that, I mean talking to the Big Guy. Not a Hail Mary. Not an Act of Contrition. Not an Our Father. Just talk. FWIW, I sometimes have talked to him for some of you. And I DAMN sure know some of you have spoken to Him for me. When I do get around to doing it, you're in my prayers as well. Back attcha. Does it hurt anything? I really hope not.
  10. From a past life, I bought natural gas in bulk on the market. I used to hedge in August for the Nov-Feb period. Would have liked to have done sooner sometimes, but projections too far down the road are inflated. I understand that, and why.They generally drop far enough out to forcast for usage. The entire energy industry is such a racket. Damn...the major players are literally raping us raw. I could tell you tales of the costs to run UNDER a prediction, with the tacked on loss crap from the Henry Hub to Baltimore (I got charged, essentially fined for the LOSS of what I didn't use that MIGHT have leaked out of the system). It's another reason many airlines are fuggged. Good operations like SW hedge their fuel. Others don't, reasons why...but who knows? To me, even if you take a 6 month NET loss ifyou end up overpaying, at least you know what you are paying. You can control costs accordingly. Others play the lotto with it, going for a potential drop to boost a quarterly earning. HOTPOCKETs UNITE! I'd love for someone who really knows this to chime in. I'm an amatuer. It could be educational. Kevbeau is a good start.
  11. Works for me. And I can go to Mass in cutoffs and a T-shirt, and nobody cares. Try that in a Southern Baptist Church. Miss Ellie wouldn't give me a soda water the next week. Probably accuse me of mouthing the words to "In His Ever Loving Arms".
  12. Remember when people like that used to get beat up a lot? Just because? Times were simpler then.
  13. It could cause it. Ever hear some of them sing?
  14. Thank you for your brilliant and so totally thought provoking insight.
  15. Nitwit Bill? I'd have to wonder about anyone who thinks they are they King of the Lemurs.
  16. There are some precious moments from about 3-4 years back on servers long since forgotten. Somewhere, out there in the ether, the original bunnies vs. turkey vultures still floats.
  17. Like your hat, Country Girl.
  18. I was thinking along the same lines. The parents said "He doesn't have much sense of direction..." WTF happened to the Boy Scouts? I thought they were good at this "do stuff in the woods" thing? On top of that, they're heaping praises on him. If I were one of the searchers, I'd have a word with Dad. Or two.
  19. I was proud to have been a part.
  20. I'm sorry, I meant a case of hand grenades. They're both so cute...
  21. Can I have a puppy?
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