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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. First of all, you have the wrong moniker for this...lay low for a day or two. They'll forget. Second of all, I'd love to be a Kobe Beef until the point where they killed me. Get fed good beer all my with a two-a-day full bodied massage? Bad cow, BAD!
  2. When I was growing up, we raised Black Angus (before they were "cool"). I wish I had the room to raise a small few. Grass and grain fed, without any additives. Man, you talk about a great steak.
  3. Hey, I would have nailed Barbarella.
  4. Ask Crippen. He at least made a point.
  5. As long as you don't care about the never getting elected part.
  6. He was pissed because he wore the same gown at HIS wedding. You know how some women can be sometimes.
  7. I didn't want to go partisan - because that's not my point - but I put the base of my rant squarely at the feet of the democrats. The administration is being politically reactive, which hurts anything trying to get done about anything, IMO. Dems want it back so bad that they will eat their young for it - damn the country, we don't count for much.
  8. Who's NBA? And what did he get on his tests?
  9. Money is the least of our issues.
  10. I'm rooting for him because I'd like to see at least 10-6.
  11. Took until Friday afternoon? I've been screwing off since Wed morning. See you have an admirer. Anyone we know over the age of 12?
  12. I was content to ignore it until it started getting in my way.
  13. You know, there might come a day where someone actually expects you to earn your paycheck.
  14. I only got 708 feet. But I'M using real kittens.
  15. Rove What supposedly passes for politics around here is really getting old. We should set up a forum for them and let them post here to their hearts content. What a bunch of 10 year olds. At least they'd have to obey some rules or get banned. I'm more and more convinced that none of them actually believe in anything - the big dogs and operators, not the worker bees. I know a lot of worker bees that are very dedicated, and trying to do their best. I've also met staffers from both sides that I won't even talk to at this point. I see some of the stuff, interviews and what not reported through the news, and am fortunately (or unfortunately) in a position to spot the out and out lies - both sides. But, most of us day to day aren't lucky enough to have those insights - so we're stuck with whatever media venture we subscribe to - which at least 50% of the time (at least in my narrow lane) wrong. This is like watching some of the deleted threads on TSW, only - it's serious. These people aren't even remotely believable at this juncture. This is really starting to suck. We're going to get hurt. I'm not talking about terrorists or N. Korea or whatever, I'm talking about an Elected National Government that would sell their own daughters into prostitution if it let them get in front of a camera once in a while. Political "Leadership" = RJ Semi end of semi rant.
  16. Change second under to by.
  17. I'm just going to work until I die. Solves the problem for me.
  18. Which doesn't have a thing to do with it, but it sounded good, and they don't know any better anyway.
  19. "We break in on this coverage of the last minute 72 yard field goal to show you this REALLY NEAT tripple-tripple that Kwan nailed in her preliminaries..."
  20. Why are we talking about football in June? June is picnics, weddings, summertime concerts in the park. March's puppies frolicking on the grass, Beer, barbacue. Long lazy days, embraces under the ceiling fan under candlelight. Football will come. It will come.
  21. Yeah, I know, I get to be bitten by a dog in New Jersey twice in one day. Better than making two trips, though.
  22. Crap, now I have to go read the whole thread. I'm a last post reader, as you know.
  23. Snoop? You'll have many more. You good people.
  24. Might be his Yoda.
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