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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. Oh man, in more ways than I care to think about.
  2. I prefer to call it experienced.
  3. If it fogs a mirror and isn't fat, someone will. I like to think that some of them are 16, which makes it more understandable. Guess I'm getting too old. I prefer post-puberty.
  4. From the people who brought you: "We'll take another 9/11 or worse because playing loud Christina Aguilara music and seeing what bomb making books the illegal Saudi guy checked out of the library are very, very bad things." "And then, we'll blame it all on the Bush gang, because hey - it's their job to counter terror while everyone gets to do exactly as they please and demand things be a certain way when we have no idea on earth what we are talking about".
  5. Break into the Dems file cabinets. Invade Europe. File Cabinets. Europe. Sorry, just can't put that one together.
  6. We get that in Alexandria too. You have to buy a permit to park here. Don't have one? ZAP.
  7. I still think Sophie Sandolo is the hottest found yet (do a Google, Mods won't let me post the right links)...but if we're reduced to researching who's cute in golf, football season can't come soon enough. No accounting for tastes, but Wie does look like a little kid (which she is). Next? Figure skating juniors?
  8. (Sigh) More "Bush Bad"? I still can't see how one can judge a presidency before it's even over. My opinion being just that, as far as National Security and Foreign Policy goes, they are the first administration to "get it" in a long, long time. I can't speak for domestic, because I don't follow it and really don't know. Unless we do things to shape the world a certain way, there won't BE an economy to worry about in a decade or so.
  9. What's the latest schizophrenia drug, anyway? If this is the same one we saw before, he's well past hard core liberal and well into psychosis.
  10. Meanwhile, back at Darin's... Waiting for the microwave to ding
  11. Brandon? I don't count on the sun coming up tomorrow, let alone what might happen in October.
  12. Check the baseball threads. Cards didn't look too hot, so he's excusing it with who might be in the October lineup. That really puts things in perspective. Go Braves.
  13. Damn it, it wasn't the Italian golfer again, was it?
  14. You got a thing about that? That's pretty kinky.
  15. 200 monkeys at a keyboard... OK, reality check. Who is an unbiased observer? And, to play Devil's Advocate, what are they going to observe besides peaches and cream? Any unbiased international observers at Folsom or Attica? "Let the warfighters fight the war". Big complaint over Viet Nam, raised even by the Libercrats. Now, when they try to do it - this war isn't all about steel on target -some people want to jump up and protest rights issues. Whatever.
  16. Want me to call you and wake you up? You don't want to miss leaving.
  17. Power chords, Baby...power chords. Let's light our lighters for a nice little A-D-E ditty, toss in a minor for effect. Doesn't anyone remember what a diminished 9th is?
  18. Sleep well.
  19. It once did, but got lost a little in the mix, so they took it out and re-released it with "you stupid 20 year old gullible idiot I got you to blow yourself up for nothing because even if I'm a dumbass, I'm smarter than you and if it works, I'll be sitting on all this oil money in 6 years" subtle shade of chartruesse.
  20. You mean there is something besides C-D-E? cool.
  21. Condemed surf and turf? WOO HOO!!!!!
  22. I resisted the touch of blood red remark.
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