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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. Yankee place, huh?
  2. I thought she loved me, but she really loves Bill. I'll get over it, somehow. Bill...you want me to call your wife and explain?
  3. You have all pretty well summed up why people in the south tell you to stay home. Y'all be so superior, ya hear? I tell you what, that dog don't hunt.
  4. If he didn't spend so much time on those "alternative" boards, he could have been long past.
  5. Move south. People appreciate service and have manners there. Not all, but more likely you will find some. Much more than the "friendly" North.
  6. So, this is your couched explanation for lusting after teenage golfers?
  7. You only say that to make me mad. "Dear, Dear Friend"? Yeah, I know... I thought he was your Grandfather. Expected me to fall for that, huh? Fickle b....woman. (and you're still an Old fart, Bill Enjoy, as much as you will and can. Keep the home fires burning.)
  8. Typical callous Yankee. Y'all just don't get how things work in the South.
  9. If it matters, there's a place called Carey Hilliards in Savannah, GA. I've eaten many a meal from them, great fried chicken and shrimps. I always tipped a dollar and whatever change was left, under two total. Average meal price was about $12-$13 bucks for two. I usually tip 20% at a sit in, unless things were really screwed up, but I never got complaints on roughly 10% at the drive up. If they brought me a Bud on the side on a Sunday, I usually tipped two more.
  10. Maybe they shouldn't turn their nose down at NASCAR. Want to find a nice sports sponsorship business model? Oh, sorry. That makes me trailer park wahoo trash. Much better for educated sophisticated folks to turn their nose in the air and lust after 15 year old girls hitting a ball with a stick for 4 hours.
  11. Not too long ago, people kept things going without money.
  12. OOPS!!! Too late. Maybe next time.
  13. So, I'm the only one who thinks Sophie is pretty hot over a 15 year old girl? My bad. I guess I have no taste. (sulks, walks down dusty road kicking dented and slightly rusty #10 can)
  14. Seriously. When mine were little we used to cook fresh veggies and meats - put them through a little hand grinder to puree. Takes 30 seconds. Kids grew up like horses and weren't fat.
  15. Have to take exception with Kennedy. To me, he's generally considered "Great" because he was our first media president, and to coin a current phrase "I've heard of him". Want to balance CMC (a lot to the story behind the scenes that people neglect to look at, in effect, the Russians won that one) vs. Bay of Pigs? I'm with you all the way on Grant. I think overall, the damage that Grant got away with was worse than the Teapot Dome, but just my opinion.
  16. You have enough bucks to cover the democratic process?
  17. You both said "insurgent". Bad word.
  18. Old Fart. Happy Birthday, Bro.
  19. Nice set up...just can't think of a way to work Brando in.
  20. My beloved Star Wars.... right, Bill.... Put down the remote, and back away from the keyboard. Keep your hands where I can see them...no, higher....
  21. And with that, boys and girls we bid adieu to intelligent discourse. Let's go to the other side and pick on bill some more.
  22. From one movie review, saw quite a bit of the same. As they say, to each his own.
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