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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. Daddy Daycare.
  2. Shut up. We're not talking to you. I forget why.
  3. Nice deflection. No argument, so you jump on something totally irrelevant. WHO actually forwarded Armor theory in Germany through the late 20's and early 30's? AND who made it work? Huh. Wasn't Tukachevsky. He was a reactive and learned from Heinz. Guedarian > Rommel
  4. Who the !@#$ is Sisko? The guy with the mullet?
  5. Down South they call it "Jack the Bills Fan"
  6. I'm not any moron. I work very hard, every day to be a specific kind of moron. You dissing me? I'm not sure, since I'm a moron.
  7. I read what you wrote. I sometimes feel sad too.
  8. You understand, grasshopper. Basic math.
  9. Keep with the program I know it's complicated, but the auto-answer is not Chesty Puller.
  10. He spent all day looking it up in his government job.
  11. I'm sure someone will say "Rommel...I've heard of him!"
  12. But....such a nice toupe....and he saved the whales too...both of them... What are you trying to say? You haven't figured out how to undermine the guy who always has all the hot chicks around? Maybe not. The hottest thing Piccard ever saw was Data's head after three mezcal shooters. While he was quoting French poetry, Kirk would be banging Consellar Troi. Advantage Kirk.
  13. In the field is what counts. Not in the theory papers. Advanatge, Heinz. I notice you have totally blown off my John Holland reference through contracts with Ireland to help shape the WW1 U-Boat fleet? Galipoli was a disaster, could have been less if cetain people could have kept certain ships of the line. You even KNOW anything about submarine tactics off Turkey circa WW!? Wimp.
  14. I started in about 1969. Got my wind around 1971-1973. Oh, I thought we were talking awareness. Got it confused with smoking dope and nailing fifteen year old female golfers. I remember watching the original Trek when it first came up. The original Star Trek got shafted because it was too far ahead of it's time, and used the venue of Science Fiction to address a lot of social issues when you just didn't do that. "You don't KNOW!" " He's black on the Left side, we're black on the Right side." Advantage, Gene Roddenbury, while alive.
  15. Kirk was around back when men were men, and TV was watchable. Piccard didn't show up until computer special effects were established through Star Wars. Kirk had to carry a show with a three inch model on a string, and crinkly cellophane as an alien monster. Piccard looked at a blank stage, thrust his arm out and said "engage", knowing 3/4 of the show were going to be filled in by annimation.com And, Janice Rand was definitely hot. (Her and Joey Heatherton) OK, I go back that far...sue me. Advantage, Kirk.
  16. Hey, what about me? I don't play and sing that bad and I'm dead and don't stink much yet. (The ectoplasm smells a bit like Noxema)
  17. Wouldn't that be nice? Might be more to this than we thought...
  18. Oh, don't fugging start...Geek. There are always those with the theories, but it takes a rounded visionary that's been in the field to practicalize them. Rommel was a student, not a teacher. Next thing, you will be telling me John Holland was the secret behind Doenitz.
  19. Buffalo 2000-2001? Should be awesome.
  20. I was talking to a Pats fan yesterday about.... Wait, I don't know any.
  21. And bunny poop means bunny poop. In sanskrit.
  22. You, me and Tom have to get together sometime.
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