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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. I don't know that it is chargeable as treason, but it is a criminal offense. I have to wonder why the reporters in question decided to become martyrs. Surely they must have known things would come down to a contempt of court. The whole thing is not that important in the grand scheme of things, but rules are rules.
  2. Hank Stram Passes Away Not too many of the Old Guard (AFL) left, besides Ralph and a few. Good Coach, in his day.
  3. Thats pretty well known, just not often mentioned. There could be some bravado and manipulation involved. They are basically saying that "you give us x-y-z demands on Sunni representation, we can hand over Zarquawi". No doubt they are in a better position to do so, but whether they really can is another issue. I've brought it up before that there are two distinctly different wars going on in Iraq. Doesn't fit the media format here. And rather than try to fully explain it, we get rhetoric. I can't really blame the administration, no one is willing to listen.
  4. Hey. I think you guts did a great job with those Falkland Islands. you know, when you took your Falkland boats and sailed to the Falkland Island and beat up their Falkand army... Falkland great job!
  5. Play a lot of banjo music.
  6. So, I'm standing on the sidewalk - bus is coming, little girl starts to run into the street and I grab her arm to keep her from doing so. I'm now a predator? Going to be a lot of squashed kids lying around.
  7. I actually had those on my Humvee. My driver put one on of a kid on a tricycle, and the brigade commander made us take all of them off. Went a little too far, I guess.
  8. Saudi Counter Terror Operations Seems to me, that the Saudis have as big or bigger problem with the same people than we do.
  9. Whoever it is is going to be toast. I've been slightly following TIME's decision to turn over notes. I didn't think it was a smooth move then, and don't think it is a smooth move now. I don't think it impacted on a lot, overall - but politically it was dumb. Wasn't necessary.
  10. Oh, almost forgot...I'm a repressed pervert too.
  11. Wolfie's a trip. I'd post something on PPP about good plans coming together, that have been thought about for years - but I'm stupid.
  12. Takes Two to Tango Sorry - link didn't work. Will try from elsewhere. Try This Prisoner abuse. If someone knocks YOUR tooth out, or throws urine in YOUR face...
  13. I also correspond with a lot of other people, up into their 70's, from several places around the world. Does emailing with a 60 year old Chinese guy make me some kind of pervert? There are politics and policy message boards out there, just as there are Football boards. I belong to a couple that are actually sponsored by institutions such as the National Defense University, where people working on policy and strategy can meet to offer ideas to each other and collaborate when they like to. 90% of the stuff that goes on isn't "Secret Squirrel". I personally find it somewhat reassuring that there are young people out there that have an interest in geopolitics and global stategies. Is that ALL I talk about with everyone? No. Just as with several people here, I've developed "on-line" relationships with many of them. And no, it doesn't include webcams. I suppose that since I'm 49 you probably find it perverted that I regularly stay in touch with my 23 year old TS cleared nuclear policy knowledgeable assistant that left for Graduate school. And, if I could get someone 20 years old and good looking interested in me in THAT way....wow....not sure I could handle that one. I have a problem with the kiddie stuff because this happened also to someone very close to me when she was very young. I know what damage it caused not just to her, but through her entire family. Are you going to charge me for the psychoanalysis? I have Paypal.
  14. The UN isn't interested in our National Security, and for the most part prefers we don't have any. We're going it essentially alone, with what is in OUR best interests. Tilted? In what way? I'm not sure what "transformation of facts" means anyway.
  15. Sure, why not? As I recall, this is what YOU said YOU cooked. When someone says "I cooked this" they generally don't hide behind their wives skirts over gravy. I'll be happy to compare flank steak recipes with your Mrs. I don't have a problem with it at all. Chances are, she wouldn't either. We can learn from each other. You put it up as your own. Until now, you never mentioned Mrs. I hope you know me better than that. I'll fugg with you over a recipe and a lot of other things but I'd never say a word against your wife. Thank you for viewing me that shallowly.
  16. Well, that recipe explains it. Commercial. Made for the masses like you (steak sauce GRAVY?) that watch TV to know how to eat, instead of watching Lost or Survivor, like you are supossed to do.
  17. Yes, that's the LAST thing I would put gravy on. What's the point of doing something meant to be grilled rare if you're going to put GRAVY on it? I didn't think you did that many floats.
  18. Did you ask for a side of gravy?
  19. Your ass isn't that fat. Well, yeah, yes it is, Good way to keep a handle on that good lookin' thing you're married to. The pictures of the girls were precious. GREAT shot. I saved it, that's a keeper. I hope Army Bear is back in uniform.
  20. Fag. Eating kitty hummus sammich again?
  21. If you like shrimps, you should try a Low Country Boil. Good stuff.
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