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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. You have obviously never been a Boy Scout in the 60's or 70's. Before we got uptight over everything? In vain. You can say it if you are an advocate. Can't mention it if you sent the new kids over the dark cliff at winter camp on a toboggan that could have broken bones, but HEY, we were kids. We all survived. Some bruised, some learned how to not get hurt on a sled going thirty miles per hour. Kids were tougher before they were told not to be. Smarter, too.
  2. That's only because you're offensive.
  3. Here we go, banished to PPP. If it's past "I like this movie, because I love it", it becomes political and controversial. What do you know about Africa? And have you any idea of the resources being devoted, in a large part through us, to alleviate some of the pressures on Africa? Their current problem is billions in loans they can't pay back. There are countries that have debt paybacks 400% of their GNP. Most of the lending came from Europe, and to a lesser extent China. Folks always want to point out what dictator we are supporting, but the rest of the world does worse. Well, catch up time. Africa is a mess. An entire continent. Millions upon millions of people. Much as the problems with the Middle East, there are things maybe not popular in the works to at least try to stabilize things. Ever been to Africa? I have. You don't know poverty. Check out Nairobi. It's pretty advanced for a lot of African cities. Probably 1.5 million living in squalor as well. That said, You may be one of those against an Administration Policy to affect the world. Whatever else kind of policy would ever make any sense? Everyone wants to focus on Iraq, that's what is put in front of their noses. A failed foreign policy. Quagmire. Anyone here willing to connect the dots? No, it isn't. It's part of a much larger thing that very few want to take the time to understand.
  4. I voted no. I wasn't offended. I don't know why anyone should be.
  5. It's politics, which we ALL ha...dislike (you shouldn't hate). There's more tactics and strategy devoted to it than war. There's no gain, only potential loss from this politically. No one even cares that it's a non-issue. It has been made into one by TIME and friends. Like I said, doesn't make sense.
  6. I'll stick to dancing in the forest naked by campfire light. We're more concerned with pine needles in our genitals than major social issues.
  7. None of this really makes sense. I guess it could be Rove, but he's more shrewd than that. I remember when this first came up - trying to figure out where the gain was. There isn't any. That's what makes this suspect to me at least. Unless it came from some junior staffer who didn't and should have known better, I don't see this coming out of the White House just prior to an election. More likely to me, it came out of a personal bone-pick from some other area of government, or perhaps even academia. There was no tactical advantage to making her CIA connection known. It really didn't hurt anything, but that's not the point. It is entirely possible that many of the people talking to her were already aware of her connections, and she was more of a back channel communications conduit. more than one. Who knows. I think TIME is well aware they don't have a smoking gun, at least not one risking an entire news enterprise for. Another non-story, perhaps?
  8. You miss my point. The entire situation involving the CIA outing is a non-event in the grand sceme of things. Surely, the reporters weren't naive enough to expect it would go for a lot of big play. Fight the battles worth fighting.
  9. No, but I thought I'd see what I could stir up.
  10. Not enough info to go on from here. It's your life, bottom line. Go with your gut and the hell with anything any of us here have to say.
  11. Don't laugh to fast. Russia has some very odd liability laws. Not to go PPP, but contractor liability is one of the biggest issues in slowing down the securing of Russian fissionable materials.
  12. Armadillo. Opossum on the half shell.
  13. Thank you for the fkued up visual. An italian guy wearing a white cotton beard and hair singing everything the traffic will allow. Nathan Lane look out.
  14. I'm impressed. You get an Air Medal for all that? A Buffalo? Holy crap!
  15. I still don't understand the question. too much sun yesterday, I guess.
  16. I don't understand the question. Am I supposed to?
  17. Situation: Guy 1 talking to Guy 2 dating his ex-wife... Guy 1: "So, how do you like that used p***y?" Guy 2: "Not bad once you get past the used part."
  18. And next week we will learn about semi-colons.
  19. WE'RE DOOOOOOOOOMED!!!! Just let them play the games. Nobody else out there is going to the Superbowl this week.
  20. How does one get the rubber used with a bunch of guys in the woods? Must be a Marine thing.
  21. Ride with it son, you've made the TSW Bigtime. I always considered you a legend before, but I'm just so impressionable. Sorry I missed you guys up at Inner Harbor. Hope you at least hit the ESPN Sports Zone. One of their bartenders is a Buffalo football and hockey fan.
  22. That wasn't necessary, guys.
  23. Pretty well. It's been off my "official" radar for a while, but from what I keep up with, this has been developing. It wasn't THAT long ago a certain Shia Cleric was on the enemy number one list, and now he's been brought into the fold. Things are coming together over there, there are going to be growing pains and growing fatalities, for that matter, but we, and the new Iraqi government are winning. Most people can't see that for whatever reason. The plan is coming together, and a lot faster than at least I ever thought it would. Oh, and BTW? (aimed in general, not just at you, Chicot) We're winning the war on terror, too. I'm pretty impressed with the progress thus far.
  24. You used rubber? What's wrong with the real thing?
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