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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. It's a government system. No one would mistake it for any other day. My SNET went Belly up on Thursday, the help desk told me they'd fix it, but everyone was out with pinkeye. So, the help desk couldn't help anyone, besides answer the phone. Were it me, I'd have a message there while the phone person did what she could to fix stuff. But, that's just me. They promised me a new Dell, though. Had I known that, I would have crashed my hard drive 6 months ago. My old machine left time for a second career while it booted.
  2. Too hot to go out, ain't it? I think my new avatar picture is being reviewed.
  3. I'm not as lazy as Darin. the picture should update.
  4. I've got thirteen shots in my carry gun. Going to take at least 15 of you.
  5. At the risk of getting flamed, is there ANY possible scenario that hasn't been beaten to death? Or is this the countdown to the board crash? FTR, I actually predicted it would stay up this time, Scott.
  6. Yeah man. Love tight curves.
  7. What, and cut into my drinking time? Too hot and muggy to go out today.
  8. Yawn.... Hey, new Harry Potter book out...anyone hear?
  9. Well, Debbie and I would consort with the enemy and swill beer at Pike's Brew Club while everyone fought it out. We're better at rabblerousing. She sure gets most everyone here going.
  10. No shidd. They may have been the Powerpoint Pioneers, but the cancer has spread. If Bill Gates ever went terrorist, all he'd have to do is pull the liscence agreements, and the entire US government would grind to a halt. People would be wailing in the streets and wringing their hands. I can hear the renting of garments as I write. You have NO idea of the horror. We'd have to invade Seattle.
  11. And, the question I've had for a while...is Gene REALLY the reincarnation of Buf65? If not, they have to be related.
  12. You just HAD to "vroom vroom vroom". Now I have voices in my head again.
  13. In spite of his overall dreaminess, he's never been much at Powerpoint.
  14. 1995 Cougar. It's paid for, runs great and has 67,000 miles on it. Sold my pickup last year - not the most practical vehicle for DC and I didn't need two.
  15. Ditto. Who the hell wants to buy a car after listening to that?
  16. I like my rosary beads just fine, thank you very much.
  17. I was going to put up my London Broil recipe, but I'm not sure I could take the abuse.
  18. I thought the subject was girls.
  19. She apparantly was not at a level to authorize the trips. Her "equivalent" rank at the CIA was that of a major. Basically, staff. She did however, suggest his name and grase the skids for him to go to Niger.
  20. My Mother the Car
  21. Elevator is too close to the snack machines.
  22. Kind of moot, at that point. But, no - I wouldn't revoke citizenship. I'd do a serious look at "rights" given a citizen. I'm of the mood that many, many laws and protections in certain areas are obsolete, but I also don't think that anyone with enough power in Congress has the balls to fix any of it. Some juniors do, but they have no influence. We're facing a new century, new challenges and new threats framed within range fans defined 30-40 years ago. All this feel good stuff from the 60's and 70's doesn't pertain to our current environment. I've said it before, I hate to bring up Clinton, but the truth is they were the ones who recognized the new problems, and instead of confronting it, they chose to find ways to mitigate it, politically. At least publically. They never once put anything on the street that could invite public comment, if it didn't rhyme with Fleetwood Mac. Not in the national interest. everyone was happy. Now, you have an administration that is trying to undo some of that, and reassert us as THE world power. One may not like it, but if you want to worry about who wins American Idol over worrying about where your grandchildren get their next meal from, play along. I maintain, we are collectively stupid, ignorant and spoiled as a country. My opinion. And, it's an opinion. I look 20 years down the road. If God has any mercy, I won't be here then. I really think most Americans look 20 minutes. If they have that much of an attention span.
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