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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. Actually, yes. Wanna play?
  2. I'm not going to start. I can't believe you are going to judge movies in another thread.
  3. Pointless, but I'm tired of the Travis Henry posts, plus, I made a lot of married guys feel guilty.
  4. Well, maybe I do. But, doubt I get it. "Remember Me!!!!"
  5. Why are you listening? Guess you can...I listen to NPR on my drives to and from work. Good stories, and usually more balanced than what either side would say.
  6. Wow, that was easy. No, I don't care about the fourth estate. They have long since proven their unworth, and worse, their danger. OK, dismantle the executive branch of the government over this. You win. The biggest crisis since the asteroid hit 65 million years ago.
  7. I neither know, nor care about the legal issues. As a layman, I would think that unless there was a notorized piece of paper, any agreement would be worthless. As a trench fighter, I give the gal kudos, as she knew she had money in the bank when he gave her a copy of the tape. I would never have made the tape to start with - if more than 5 people on the planet knew my name. That's begging for trouble - but I'll guess HE wanted to show off to his version of drinking buddies, and she was smart enough to play him and file it for future investment. Now, he's more famous with more money, and everyone HAD forgotten about her. Not now...
  8. I wonder if anyone cares? You think Wilson and the Mrs. do? They're loving it. KA-CHING!!! Much more than their allotted 15 minutes. Yes, Bluefire...in the grand scheme of things this is a non-story. But, being the paranoid conspiracy theorist everyone knows I am...Lewinsky had everyone totally distracted from China. Fell off the radar. What are the Bush gang up to? Hmmm? Could this latest non-issue fiasco have presented some opportunity to slide some stuff around without "the press" getting involved? Hmmm.
  9. You know I'm on it. Be patient, grasshopper.
  10. Requires an actual intelligence background, preferably military. Minimum of 1 year to 18 months. How much? Whatever you can get out of them. I'd guess low six figures.
  11. Anyone know anyone with an intell background that would consider spending some time in a hot sandy place? If so, PM me.
  12. When there is a martini glass available.
  13. What did Pandas do before advocates? Clone?
  14. Those that actually care.
  15. My wife converted from Baptist TO Catholic. And that was before she met me, didn't do it for marriage reasons.
  16. I was sort of trying to figure out where that fit in, then gave up.
  17. And plenty of it runs around DC. They needed a flatbed truck to haul the Kerry-Edwards signs out of my neighborhood.
  18. Yeah, I saw that. Westy was a different bird.
  19. I'm not sure where to even start, on this one.
  20. I've considered starting some minions. Want to join?
  21. Well, there's two seats than can go in the next election. But given history, doesn't look like they will.
  22. Pretty well covers that one. That's sort of illegal, isn't it?
  23. Would really mess him up if he knew, wouldn't it Boom?
  24. I tried again, but the colors and fonts are not coming through. Maybe we should try everyone's Losman picture? Let's talk about Travis, some more. Not a dead subject yet.
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