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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. I saw the one carved out of schist. I'll pass.
  2. No kidding? an "AP" ??? Wow. Darin needs to register. Sounds like seals barking. "ap ap ap ap" (toot the little horn) "ap ap ap" Sorry. Probably shouldn't make light of those less fortunate unable to help themselves.... BTW, check out my new Avatar?
  3. Why bother? Wait a month.
  4. You got your ass kicked in middle school a lot, didn't you?
  5. It means nothing. Get a life. Fag caller outer...
  6. Anchorman. You either like it or hate it. Depends on your current level of substance abuse and the company watching it with you. Some REALLY great lines, though.
  7. Pretty well my thoughts. When that first came up, I don't think anyone seriously thought he'd play football again period, let alone this year, unless he or the team or both were idiots. From what little I have heard, don't think he or the Pats are.
  8. If I told you, then we'd both know. I have no personality. I'm an unindicted defense contractor.
  9. I was originally going to say that, but it's too hot for whiskey.
  10. 20 minutes? Took about a minute and 30 seconds. Go with your gut answer.
  11. Ah, to be 13 again. Probably has 10 pimple faced fellow rejects going "Wow...Cool Dude". As they prepare to surf some free Japanese cybermation sites.
  12. As some here know, I call Savannah, Georgia home. Zell Miller is a pretty good man in politics, this day and age. True southerner too. You think he gave a rats ass about the press after his convention speech? I'd love to have a couple beers with him.
  13. Point taken. If you are over there as a "specialist" and not working for some security firm or a position putting you constantly in the field, it's not a bad gig - as long as you're not an idiot and do stupid, predictable stuff. Just watch your back. I've been all over the place over there from Djibouti to several "Stans" and points in between, and I'm still around. Biggest hassles are a lot of hours and often not the best working conditions. That said, I recommend it for single people without deep ties - not because of danger but because of separation issues.
  14. Sorry, Stephanie. I thought it could turn into a fun thread. Mostly at my expense. So far, it has.
  15. Modern American youth. Doesn't it make one proud?
  16. I know there are a lot of lurkers who never post. So, I'll take some shots. PM me if you know someone. I've highlighted the part that might broaden the scope. We have a lot going on.
  17. Present company excepted. I bow and tip my hat, madame.
  18. Hey. It's CNN. Slumping ratings.
  19. And Islam is a peaceful religion. I've been an RC all my life. I can't think of too many religions overall that are more accepting of what others believe or even feel than the Catholic church - to the point of tremendous physical courage. Many more Catholic missionaries have probably died trying to provide protections for those of other faiths than any other religion. They also don't care if you come to mass in cut-offs and a T-shirt, as long as you come. Try that in some Protestant churches? You'd be talked about for the next month. I don't really give a damn if you believe in talking rocks promising the spaceship to take you to Hubbard. I do find it disquieting that a faith based soley upon a book re-written to fit the personal views of a certain King James gives premise to hate another belief that had been around for at least 1,500 years prior.
  20. Anyone chat with the girl's Dad? Fear works two ways, sometimes.
  21. Need to fill these, as well. Anyone feeling adventurous, these are pretty well always open.
  22. But then again, neither do we.
  23. Need M/E. Analysts, primarily. Check your PM.
  24. I'll forward the data. Needs to go through me, though - not direct to the company. I'm assuming that some of these folks are versed in Arabic and Pashtu?
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