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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. FWIW, Libraries ARE cool. Used to be one of my favorite places. Great place to meet sexy women who wear glasses. What I have seen in my past, though, is they can become a gathering place for misplaced teens with an agenda. They aren't going to the library, they meet there. Tell momma "I got to go to the library" Momma says "See ya" And when the shooting takes place, Momma says he was doing his homework, he's a good boy. Great cover. I've seen some serious controversy happen, because of that. Over a library? Libraries are good things. But, if it isn't under guard in a predominantly white middle class neighborhood it becomes a city liability. Cities don't like paying money out for Tracy or Tony to get capped.
  2. I couldn't in my worst drug induced nitemares imagine f***ing John Kerry (or his wife, for that matter). Piccard would, though. Kirk > Piccard.
  3. Nope. Vodka. Beer is too bloating. I expect sarcastic irony. It's when you're NOT using it is when I get confused.
  4. Are you counting the ones who sleep there?
  5. He'll change his position. At least twice.
  6. That's a lot closer to the truth than many realize.
  7. Nah. Just bored. You're an easy target of opportunity. Have to keep my hand in, at least a little bit. How's Dad doing? When does he get out of London?
  8. Well DUH, Deb. Is this some big fugging insight?
  9. You think. We've tapped your phone.
  10. You must be the queen evil B word
  11. Why not just screw with you and be obstinant for shiits and giggles? Evil, evil woman?
  12. So, we have a thing while Daddy's away? Hmmm. Might have to get off the public board. (For all the rest of you, Debbie's REALLY hot)
  13. I never read the links. My bad. Why bother?
  14. That dressing well and going to lunch is some really tough stuff. Cut them some slack.
  15. I've been accused of not using smileys to explain myself.
  16. And your point? Big picture, Debbie. Deep thoughts. Pool of available applicants is down, Dems want to increase Army by 40,000, economy isn't bad and there are plenty of 40-50 something reservists already serving in theater. Plus, it's a techie military. Not everyone is kicking doors down and machine gunning babies.
  17. Hey...I just posted some job ads. Can we not argue about EVERYTHING? Don't have any IT (thought we did, did last week) in Iraq right now, but do in Hawaii and Germany. Once again great stuff for single guys. German girls are hot, and Hawaii is well...Hawaii. Lot's of stuff around DC, but who the hell wants to come here?
  18. Shale I see if any of this is covered on slate?
  19. Gee. Thanks Ed. Drag me into this.
  20. Crap. I made 30 once.
  21. Read your PM, dammit.
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