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Ghost of BiB

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Everything posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. That sounds like it could well be blackout behavior, that isn't being recognized as such. NOT a good sign. See a doctor, and good luck.
  2. That was pretty lame. You should have thought that one through better.
  3. Anyway, I still have issue with the fact ABC has been given a bye. It's no secret that Nightline has an agenda. Maybe in their view not anti-American, but definitely anti administration. Things are much more layered, nebulous and complicated than a 30 minute TV spot. When the media goes out and offers a forum such as this, without balance to an allied nations's number one bad guy, it has theater security cooperation agreement and policy ramifications. ABC well knows that, even if the average viewer doesn't.
  4. Tell ya what. I won't flame you, and you just send the 20 to my paypal account.
  5. My biscuits suck. Oh, and Pete hates any Beatles music.
  6. Already answered it.
  7. I just find this disturbing. Yes, it was done through a Russian newscaster, but ABC isn't going to just "pick up a story". This was pointed, calculated and extremely coordinated. I've said "Big Picture" till I'm blue in the face. There's a serious bad guy, on Niteline, for all to see. The Russians are much more pragmatic, and often much more practical than we. How did this help our cooperative efforts? You have a government working their ass off to get synergistic operations and agreements, and for the sake of "poor" ratings, that basically for a show no one watched, a "major" American news network interviews one of our ally's number one bad guys. That doesn't help, folks. How would you feel?
  8. Meanwhile, in the rest of the world...
  9. And that is relevant how? A short explanation is that things do constantly morph, that is why we have initiated an adaptive planning process. It is reactive, yes, but also proactive. The public wants their daily diet, and they must be fed, whether they understand anything or not. The problem often is that to do that, one must offer things, including terms and statements in an unclassified format. Lots of time is spent on terms and definitions. It's almost an art form to strike the right balance to give the hotpockets what they want (they usually go away and argue amongst themselves, then, whether it be PPP or Meet the Press) and enough meat for the "read between the liners". Knowing that much of America is of the hotpocket variety, what gets said is usually pointed more to the "read between the liners", as they might have a clue and know better. But, that will be my post addressing your "Bush Bad". Go make me a sandwich. (One of the best comebacks I've seen Ed do)
  10. And, you obligingly viewed it as entertainment and are either ignoring, or missing my and Tom's point. The Soviet Union (way back when) invaded Afghanistan because their attempt at a communist regime there failed. It was a strategic decision made to avoid the dangers of a fundamental Islamic state along their border. Chechnya is their new Afghanistan. We might view Mexico a bit differently if it weren't predominantly catholic. Point is, if you don't think these guys are in bed with "AQ" (would take too long to explain the relationships) you're wrong.
  11. So, this should be viewed from an aspect of scale? To me, that's a smokescreen to help justify. It's also not accurate. Bin Laden and AQ would like to see the complete destruction of the west, but their primary issues are regional as well. I didn't see the show. I haven't watched Nightline in a year. But, if they made pains to make that distinction, that's even more irresponsible.
  12. Nightline Not very long ago, there was spirited debate here and elsewhere over a Newsweek article describing Koran abuse. All over this board, various other discussion panels and wide media coverage. Now, ABC Nightline, that bastion of balanced reporting, has aired an interview with the most wanted terrorist in the Russia-Chechnya conflict. This is the man who orchestrated the attack that left 300, mostly children, dead. Also responsible for the Moscow attack that killed many - and several more. By ANY definition, this man is a killer, a terrorist and a criminal. He admits to such himself. Well, ABC made a consious decision to give him an international forum. He has a 10 million dollar reward for his capture, and is identified on many, including the UN's list of priority wanted terrorists. My view, is that a responsible party who had knowledge of this person's whereabouts should have turned them over to some authority charged with rooting out terrorism. Media has a lot of resources. What else are they sitting on? As far as ABC Nightline goes, they didn't just bump into each other on the street. This took some doing, and it most likely started on his end. I just find it very interesting that this is allowed to slip under the pundit radar. No big deal because this is Russia? I remember the general outcry when all those 3 and 4 year old blown up bodies were shown. Guess an interview with Bin Laden would be allowable as well, provided it came from an extreme left wing source with a basically anti-American agenda.
  13. So, don't eat any. We'll eat your portion for you.
  14. You know it...all these spoiled yankees have no clue to good smoked barbecue.
  15. That's funny. And don't you forget it.
  16. Riuntie on ice? I'm hated here anyway.
  17. I could say...but I know it was rhetorical. And most people don't know why.
  18. I'm not very friendly.
  19. On the treadmill tonight, bud.
  20. No. That is a good thing. South with mustard or north with pepper and vinegar?
  21. Runthedamnball can't read, and his wife is typing for him.
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